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18 BLACK SHEEP.which, being conducted in thc English tongue,was interpreted to him by glances and tones only.The beauty of the face on which Stewart Routhwas gazing in an intensity of admiration, w-ith acertain desperation in it,in which a cleverer womanthan this oneyvould have seen indications ofcharacter to warn and alarm her,but which thisone merely recognised as a tribute clue to her, wasmarvellously bright and soft, as the slanting raysof the sun came through the tree stems, andtouched it lingeringly, lovingly. Her black eyeshad wonderful gleams ancl reflections in them, andthe masses of her dark hair were daintily tingedand tipped with russet tints. She was looking alittle thoughtful, a little dreamy. Was she tired,for the moment, of sparkling? Was she restingherself in an array of the semblance oftenderness,more enchanting still?" You knew him, then, in your husband's lifetime?He is not a new acquaintanceI"" What a catechist you are!" she said, withjust a momentary glance at him, and the least"flicker of a smile. Ididknow him in my husband'slifetime, who highly disapproved of him,

RECOGNITION.19if you care for that piece of information; we weregreat friends and he yvas rather inclined to presumeupon the fact afterwards."She lingered upon the word, and gave it allthe confirmatory expression Routh had expectedand feared." And yet you make an appointment with himto meethim here, in this place, where every oneisremarked and speculated upon; here, alone, where"jou are without even a companion Hepaused, and with a light, mocking laugh, inexpressibly-provoking, she said:" Why don't you say a' sheep-dog'? We knowthe immortal Becky quite as well as you do.Inthe first place, my appointment with Arthur Feltonmeanssimply- nothing. Iam just as likely- tobreak it as to keepit; to go to London,orVienna,or Timbuctoo, to-morrow, if the fancy takes me;or tostay here, and havehim toldI'mnot at homewhen he calls, only that would please his father;andMi'. Felton is about .the only male creature ofmy acquaintance whomIdon't wantto please. Inthe second place,Idon't care one straw who remarksme, or what they remark, and have no

RECOGNITION.19if you care for that piece of information; we weregreat friends and he yvas rather inclined to presumeupon the fact afterwards."She lingered upon the word, and gave it allthe confirmatory expression Routh had expectedand feared." And yet you make an appointment with himto meethim here, in this place, where every oneisremarked and speculated upon; here, alone, where"jou are without even a companion Hepaused, and with a light, mocking laugh, inexpressibly-provoking, she said:" Why don't you say a' sheep-dog'? We knowthe immortal Becky quite as well as you do.Inthe first place, my appointment with Arthur Feltonmeanssimply- nothing. Iam just as likely- tobreak it as to keepit; to go to London,orVienna,or Timbuctoo, to-morrow, if the fancy takes me;or tostay here, and havehim toldI'mnot at homewhen he calls, only that would please his father;andMi'. Felton is about .the only male creature ofmy acquaintance whomIdon't wantto please. Inthe second place,Idon't care one straw who remarksme, or what they remark, and have no

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