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258 BLACK SHEEP.r'ous story as — any one ever had to tell. Mr. Dallasnever didit not he,1know better than that. Ican tell Mr. Felton a great deal."" Imust ask if he will see you," said thewoman; " ifhe won't,perhaps tlie lawyer — "" No, no, it must be Mr. Felton himself.Let meinto the room."Sheoffered no resistence, and in anotherminute Jim was in the presence of a group composedof Mr. Felton, a grave gentleman, yvholooked like a lawyer, a beautiful girl, who wasClare Carruthers, and a plain, clever-lookingyoung woman, who was Clare's cousin, Mrs.Stanhope.The lawyer and Mrs. Stanhope wereseated by a table in close conversation, whichthey carried on in lower tones. Clare Carruthersancl Mr. Felton stood upon the hearthrug, thegirl's goldenhead wasresting on her companion'sshoulder, and she was crying silently but unrestrained."Is he very, very ill?" she had said, a littlebefore Jim entered the room." Not seriously so, my dear, and indeed nothingcould be more fortunate than that his

AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.259strength failed him so completely. It gives ustime, andIneed it,Iam so bewildered evenyet. " Did Mr. Lowther say— say that he was not— not broughtbefore the magistrates, not broughtinto that dreadful place, to-day?" said Clare, hervoice hardly audible for her sobs." Yes, my dear. Think a little,Icould notbe here if he had not so much respite. Clare,Iam a chief witness;Imust be there, you know, totell them about — about my son — " He paused,and closed his eyes for a few minutes." The case was calledpro forma this morning,but Mr. Lowther's partner,his brother,easilyprocureda delay. George was too ill to appear, buthe sent me yvord that there yvas nothing seriouslywrong.""Can no one see him?" asked Clare imploringly."0, Mr. Felton, can no one goto him?Can no one give him any comfort — help him tobear it ? Are they so cruel as that, are they socruel?"" Hush, dear, it is not cruel; it is right. Xoone can see him or the present but Mr.Lowther —

AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.259strength failed him so completely. It gives ustime, andIneed it,Iam so bewildered evenyet. " Did Mr. Lowther say— say that he was not— not broughtbefore the magistrates, not broughtinto that dreadful place, to-day?" said Clare, hervoice hardly audible for her sobs." Yes, my dear. Think a little,Icould notbe here if he had not so much respite. Clare,Iam a chief witness;Imust be there, you know, totell them about — about my son — " He paused,and closed his eyes for a few minutes." <strong>The</strong> case was calledpro forma this morning,but Mr. Lowther's partner,his brother,easilyprocureda delay. George was too ill to appear, buthe sent me yvord that there yvas nothing seriouslywrong.""Can no one see him?" asked Clare imploringly."0, Mr. Felton, can no one goto him?Can no one give him any comfort — help him tobear it ? Are they so cruel as that, are they socruel?"" Hush, dear, it is not cruel; it is right. Xoone can see him or the present but Mr.Lowther —

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