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AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.257on him, and his uncle he stopped him in the 'all,as they was goin to the cab, and says he,' George, my boy,Ido this, that no one maythink I'm deceived;' and he put his hands onhisshoulders and kisses him, as if he was a woman,before us all."silent.Jim listened, pale and breathless, but quite"Mr. Felton were out prettynear all night;and when he come 'ome, the gentleman as is herenow were with liim.He hasn't been to bed atall, andIhaven't seen him, but just yvhenIletthe lady in, which she's a syveet-lookin' creature,and has been cryin' dreadful."" Let me see Mr.Felton," said Jim, catchingthe womanby her dress, and speaking with theutmost eagerness and passion, "let me see him.Icame to see Mr. Dallas about this business, letme see Mr.Felton."" You came! why what have you got to doyvith it?" said the yvoman ; her curiosity vehementlyaroused." Iwill tell you all about it," said Jim,adroitly; "you shall hear it all afterwards — a cusVOL. III.

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