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AT THE TIDAL TRAIN.255faint feehng yvas subsiding; he was beginning tounderstand." It were an awful shock for Mr. Dallas tofind out as his cousin had been murdered, and tohave to break it to the father;and no wonder hefainted over it. Nobody knows how he did it,but there must have been a dreadful scene; forIshouldn't ha' known Mr. Felton from the deadyvhenIwent to ask, through their not answeringJames's knock, whether they was a goin' to ha\eany dinner.He was sittin' in his chair, whiteand quiet; aud Mr. Dallas — he as had been tookso bad himself in the beginnin' — he was kneelingon the ground beside him, andIthink his armwas round his neck;butIcouldn't see his face,for he only put out his hand, and says he, ' No,thank you, Mary; go away for a little, please.'Iwaited in the passage, butIneverheard a wordpass between them; and we didn't know whatevercould be the matter, for we onlyknew about theletters after Mr. Dallas had been took up."" Mr. Dallas took up ? <strong>The</strong>y said that outside,butIthoughtitmust be their larks.Woteverdo you mean? Go on — go on;tellme, quick !"

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