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254 BLACK SHEEP.with a beating heart and shaking limbs.As theboy leaned against the wall, regardless of thedamaging properties of his tousled head resting onthe spotless paint, he wondered if this was likefainting, and w-hether he should be able to keepfrom " going off" like Mr. Dallas."We're strangers to Mr.Felton, of course,"said the woman; "and it's natural everybody ascan shouldlike to keep their troubles to themselves,for it don't do no good tellin' of 'em, and peopledon't think no more ofyou;but there's things ascan and things as can't be hid, and them as can'thas been a takin' place here."" Yes," said Jim, faintly; for the words hehad heard in the crowd were ringing inhis ears;" yes,yes;but tell me"" I'll tell y-ou, as plain asI can make it out.Mr.Felton had someletters yesterday — letters ascome from America — and there were a carte ofhisson in 'em;he hasn't seen nor yet heard of himfor ev-er so long;and when Mr. Dallas seethecarte he knew as the man was the same as wasmurdered, and neverfound out,in the spring.""Well?" said Jim. "Yes? Goon." <strong>The</strong>

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