Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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"INFORMATION RECEIVED." 245don't thinkIquite knew whatIwas doing. Canyou forgive me?" She halfextended her hand,then drew it back, as she looked into Harriet'smarble face."Forgive you! What do you mean?Youare nothing to me, woman;or, if anything, onlythe executioner of a sentence independentyou.Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge did not attempt tospeak again. As they went out of the door, atelegram washanded to her. It was from Routh." Impossible to see youto-night. Letter bypost."She handed the paper silently to Harriet, whoread it, and said nothinguntil they wereseatedinthe carriage." Does that make any difference ?" then askedMrs. Ireton P. Bembridge timidly-." To you, none. Possibly it mayr to me; heneed not know so soon."Not another yvordyvas spoken between them.Harriet stood on theplatform at the railway stationuntil the train moved off, and as Mrs. Ireton P.Bembridge caught the last glimpse of her sternwhite face, she threw herself back in the carriage,of

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