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RECOGNITION. 17side of the broad shaded road, ancl the woman'ssplendid black eyes met hers. When her husbandpassed her yvithout seeing her, absorbed in passionateadmiration, which any child must haverecognised as such,for the beautiful woman whosepony-carriage was like a triumphal chariot, soroyaland conquering of aspect wras she.Keen were the tormentors, and full of avidity,and subtle yvas the new device to tax the recruitedstrength anclmock the brief repose. It wasraging,fierce, fiery, maddening jealousy.It yvas late in the afternoon of the day onwhich Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge had sent heranswer to Mr. Felton's note, and while GeorgeDallas was sitting with Mrs. Routh, that thebeautiful widow ancl her companion — this timeexploring the forest glades in another direction,in yvhich they met but few of the visitors to thesprings — once morementioned Mr.Felton and hisson.<strong>The</strong> grayponies yvere going slowdy-, and theFrench groom in attendance was considering theprobable direction of the " affair" in which hismistress had so precipitately engaged herself, anclVOL. III.c

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