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240 BLACK SHEEP.she said, with a sudden rush of burning red intoher face and an indescribablefierce change of" toneandmanner. — What!You yvere going,werey-ou and together? Tell me instantly — — instantly,Isay what is thisIseein your face ?"Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge caught at Harriet'sgown, and stammered:" Don't, don't;I'll teU you!"" Do you thinkIam going to strike you orkill you;do you thinkIwould touch jou withone finger ?" said Harriet, in her former tone,and drawing her dress from the woman's grasp"with a quiet determined movement. Tell meinstantly, and don't fear. You were going away— and together? Where yvere you going, andwhen?""To Neyv York— on Saturday."Harriet Routh turned abruptly from her, anclfor one minute's duration of awful silence herface was hidden. Then, with a sound like a sighand a sob, but such a sound as the listener hadnever heard before, she resumed her former position.The other dared not look at her for manyminutes. When she did, Harriet's face fixed

"INFORMATION RECEIVED." 241itself for ever on her memory as the ideal of theface of one yvho had died of sheer pain." Thank you. The acknowledgment at leastis brave and true, ancl makes the rest easy.AmIto conclude you do not wish now to carry outthis arrangement?"" 0no, no. For God's sake, saveme!"" In saying him. Yes. You must leave Englandto-night, ancl he must follow you to-morrow.Don't be frightened;Isaid follow, not meet you.You must really go.He could not be deceived in this.No pretence will avail.You mustcross the Channel to-night, and telegraph to himto-morrow from some French town, yvhich youcan lea\-e upon the instant, if yrou your ownaffair.ThatYou may return to Englandto-morrow night,if y-ou please, and reach Liverpoolin time to sail for New York on Saturday.Thus you will escape him, and be free. He willnot follow you against your will to New York,yvhere you are protected by your friends andyour position.You have but to write and forbidhis doing so."" I think — IthinkIunderstand," said Mrs,VOL. III.B

240 BLACK SHEEP.she said, with a sudden rush of burning red intoher face and an indescribablefierce change of" toneandmanner. — What!You yvere going,werey-ou and together? Tell me instantly — — instantly,Isay what is thisIseein your face ?"Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge caught at Harriet'sgown, and stammered:" Don't, don't;I'll teU you!"" Do you thinkIam going to strike you orkill you;do you thinkIwould touch jou withone finger ?" said Harriet, in her former tone,and drawing her dress from the woman's grasp"with a quiet determined movement. Tell meinstantly, and don't fear. You were going away— and together? Where yvere you going, andwhen?""To Neyv York— on Saturday."Harriet Routh turned abruptly from her, anclfor one minute's duration of awful silence herface was hidden. <strong>The</strong>n, with a sound like a sighand a sob, but such a sound as the listener hadnever heard before, she resumed her former position.<strong>The</strong> other dared not look at her for manyminutes. When she did, Harriet's face fixed

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