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236 BLACK SHEEP.come up with him. But ho is desperate, andrefuses to go.Idid not know yvhy until yesterday,whenIfound — y-ou had followed him fromHomburg by arrangement, of course. Tush,woman! don't try to deny- it. What does itmatter to me? A lie more or less, a villanymore or less, makes no difference in him forme; butIknew then why he was obstinatelybent on waiting for his fate."" I— Idon't believe you," said Mrs. IretonP. Bembridge; ancl she half rose from her chair,and stretched her hand toyvards the bell.Harriet stoppedher by the lifting of a finger.But"0 yes, you do," she said; "you believemeimplicitly. You have been afraid of this man—even yvhen he has flattered you, and yvon uponyou most; you have never felt sure of him, andyou knowIam telling you the truth. But youare weak, and you would like to think you hadnot been quite so egregiously deceived.Icannot,for his sake, leave you this comfortYoulost a locket at Homburg — a golden egg-shapedtoy — with two portraits in it, one of yourself,the other of a young man, a country-man of yours,

"INFORMATIONRECEIVED." 237an admirer. You prized the thing, you showed— it to my husband, you talked of its value isthis true?"" Yes, yes,itis true — what then?"" This then: he stole that locket from you,as he sat by you, in y^our carriage, and talkedsentiment and compliment to yrou.He stole thelocket — it does not sound nice or heroic; hestole it,Itellyou."" Impossible— impossible.""AmIin the confidence of y-our maid?DoIknow the contents of your jewel-case? Butthis is folly, this is pretence; you know in yoursoul thatIam telling you the truth.And nowfor the reason of my telling it. If you thinkIam a jealous woman, come here to expose myhusband to my rival,and take him from her byeven such desperate means, you make my taskharder, by giving me blind folly to deal with.Icame with no thought of myself or you:thoughIdo, indeed, save you by coming,Ihave nocare, no yvish to do so; you are nothing to me,but a danger in his path. That his safety yvillbe yours too, is your fortune, not my doing. I

"INFORMATIONRECEIVED." 237an admirer. You prized the thing, you showed— it to my husband, you talked of its value isthis true?"" Yes, yes,itis true — what then?"" This then: he stole that locket from you,as he sat by you, in y^our carriage, and talkedsentiment and compliment to yrou.He stole thelocket — it does not sound nice or heroic; hestole it,Itellyou."" Impossible— impossible.""AmIin the confidence of y-our maid?DoIknow the contents of your jewel-case? Butthis is folly, this is pretence; you know in yoursoul thatIam telling you the truth.And nowfor the reason of my telling it. If you thinkIam a jealous woman, come here to expose myhusband to my rival,and take him from her byeven such desperate means, you make my taskharder, by giving me blind folly to deal with.Icame with no thought of myself or you:thoughIdo, indeed, save you by coming,Ihave nocare, no yvish to do so; you are nothing to me,but a danger in his path. That his safety yvillbe yours too, is your fortune, not my doing. I

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