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234 BLACK SHEEP.Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge shrank from her —"he is a swindler, a liar, and a thief; he haslived by such means for years, was living bythem when he married me. <strong>The</strong>y are failinghim now, and he feels the game is up here.What his exact plan is,of courseIdo not knoyv;but that it includes getting you and your fortuneintohis powerIhave no doubt."Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge shivered nowunderthe unsparing gaze.If only this woman wouldturn her eyes away from her, she thought, inthe midst of her fear and amazement — the ey-esthat pierced her, that suffocated her, like thegripe of a fierce hand upon her throat. Shedid not know his plan.No; but yvho could lookat her and doubt that, if she chose to know it,she could force the information from her hearer?Who could listen to her cold even tones, anddream ofresisting their implacable power?" Whatever his plan may be," Harriet continued,"he is entirely absorbed in it, and heis indifferent to all beside.Mind,Idon't sayyou count for nothing in this:you are too vainto believe,Iam too wise to say, anything of the

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