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224 BLACK SHEEP.existence. Routh could not be much with her;and though shehacl brought herself to believe thatshe really did feel an absorbing passion for him,somehow orother it left agood deal ofher thoughtsand her time unabsorbed, ancl she did not exactlyknow how to dispose of either. The romance ofthis kind of incognito life was all very- yvell in itsway, which was a pleasant way, and as far as itwent, which certainly was very far, but not quitefar enough. And she did get horridly bored,there yvas no denying — it. When Routh's dailyletter had been read for she exacted that of him,of him who hated letter-writing, and whose hardactuality of nature needed all the incitement ofher beauty, her coquetry, and her artfulness torouse him to sentiment and givehis languagetheeloquence of love — she hadnothing but novels tofall back upon,and the vague prospectof a supplementarynote or two, or trying on a new dress,orthinking what theatre she yvould go to, or whatdirection her afternoon drive should take. Shewas glad of the chance of seeing a new face,thoughit was only- a woman's; and then the reasonfor receivingher was so sound,it was impos-

"INFORMATION RECEIVED." 225sible Routh could object.Indeed, she could notsee the force of his objections to her going outmore, and seeing people in general; it could notmatter now,and yvould sound better hereafter thanthis hidden residencein London; however, itcould not last long, and it was very romantic,very.She had not had much chance in all herprevious prosperous life of playing at romance,and she liked it; she yvould not like it,ifit continuedto mean boredom, much longer, but therewas no danger of that.No. 4 Hollington - square was one of thoseLondon houses whicli every one knows, furnishedfor people who take houses for the season,prettily,flimsily, sparingly; a house which tenants withmoney and taste coulcl make very striking andattractive, yvhich tenants yvithout money and withouttaste yvould find very tolerable in its originalcondition. Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge possessedboth; and as she made it arule to have every advantageprocurable by the use of either, the drawing-roomin which she awaited the coming of hervisitor was as pretty and coquettish a room ascould easily have been seen.VOL. III.She had chosen aQ

"INFORMATION RECEIVED." 225sible Routh could object.Indeed, she could notsee the force of his objections to her going outmore, and seeing people in general; it could notmatter now,and yvould sound better hereafter thanthis hidden residencein London; however, itcould not last long, and it was very romantic,very.She had not had much chance in all herprevious prosperous life of playing at romance,and she liked it; she yvould not like it,ifit continuedto mean boredom, much longer, but therewas no danger of that.No. 4 Hollington - square was one of thoseLondon houses whicli every one knows, furnishedfor people who take houses for the season,prettily,flimsily, sparingly; a house which tenants withmoney and taste coulcl make very striking andattractive, yvhich tenants yvithout money and withouttaste yvould find very tolerable in its originalcondition. Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge possessedboth; and as she made it arule to have every advantageprocurable by the use of either, the drawing-roomin which she awaited the coming of hervisitor was as pretty and coquettish a room ascould easily have been seen.VOL. III.She had chosen aQ

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