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222 BLACK SHEEP.It yvas a very complete and dead swoon, andthere yvas no explanation ofit; none to be givento the servants,at least. Jim Swain did not touchGeorge — he only looked on; and as, at the suggestionof the woman, they opened the window,ancl pushed the chair on whicli George yvas lyingwithin the current of air,he picked up the card,over which oneofthe castors had passed.It wasa small photographic portrait. The boy looked atit,and recognised, with surprise, that it was thelikeness ofMr. Deane — that it was a sac-simile ofa portrait he hacl looked at and handled a verylittlewhile ago. He put it down upon the table,and made to Mr. Felton the business-like suggestionthat a doctor had better be sent for, and hehad better be sent to fetch him, yvhich was immediatelyacceded to.When Jim returned, bringing with him ageneral practitioner, he was told that Mr. Dallashad " come to," but was " uncommon weak andconfused, and crying like a child when he wasn'tshivering," so that Jim felt his chances of an interviewwere small indeed." I can't see him, of course, andIwanted

He brought me in, hisself.""Yes,yes,Iknow," said the male domestic,"INFORMATION RECEIVED." 223to, most partic'lar.yvith importance; " but you can't see him, andthere's no good in your waitingabout here.Lookround at eleven to-morrow, and I'll see what canbe done for you."Jim had nothing for it but to go disconsolatelyaway. So he went.While George Dallas and Clare Carrutherswere talking together at Sir Thomas Boldero'shouse in Chesham-place, yvhile the hours — neverto be forgotten by either — were passing overthem, the same hours were witnessing an interviewnot less momentous for Harriet Routh andher beautiful foe.Mrs. Ireton P. Bembridge was ready to receiveher visitor; and as her coquetry and vanityyvere omnivorous, much as she despised women,and sincerely- as she enjoy-ed the knowledge of herpower to make most of them envious and miserable,she had dressed herself very carefully. Shewas just a little bored by- her present mode of

222 BLACK SHEEP.It yvas a very complete and dead swoon, andthere yvas no explanation ofit; none to be givento the servants,at least. Jim Swain did not touchGeorge — he only looked on; and as, at the suggestionof the woman, they opened the window,ancl pushed the chair on whicli George yvas lyingwithin the current of air,he picked up the card,over which oneofthe castors had passed.It wasa small photographic portrait. <strong>The</strong> boy looked atit,and recognised, with surprise, that it was thelikeness ofMr. Deane — that it was a sac-simile ofa portrait he hacl looked at and handled a verylittlewhile ago. He put it down upon the table,and made to Mr. Felton the business-like suggestionthat a doctor had better be sent for, and hehad better be sent to fetch him, yvhich was immediatelyacceded to.When Jim returned, bringing with him ageneral practitioner, he was told that Mr. Dallashad " come to," but was " uncommon weak andconfused, and crying like a child when he wasn'tshivering," so that Jim felt his chances of an interviewwere small indeed." I can't see him, of course, andIwanted

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