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RECOGNITION.15—motives, in view of certain remote contingenciesmotives which hacl suggested themselves to himshortly after George's unhesitatingrecognition ofthe boy who had taken Routh's note to Deane,on the last day of the unhappy man's hfe, hadsolved the difficulty yvhich had long puzzled him.Only second in importance to his keeping GeorgeDallas in view washis not losing sight of the boy-;and all this time it never occurred to Routh, asamong the remote possibilities of things, that Mr.Jim Swain yvas quite as determined to keep aneveonhim.Harriet had acquiesced in her husband's proposalthat they- should go to Homburg readily.It happened that she was rather more cheerfulthan usual on the clay he made it, more like,though still terribly unlike,her former self.Shewas in one of those intervals in yvhich the torturedprisoner stoops at the stake, during a temporarysuspension of the inventive industry of hisexecutioner. <strong>The</strong> fire smouldered for a little,thepincers cooled. She wasin the hands of inflexibletormentors, ancl who could tell what device

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