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220 BLACK SHEEP.long lain hidden. As George threw open thedoors of the hansom in which he had been drivenfrom the Mercury office to Piccadilly, Jim Swaincame to the wheel, and, touching his tousled head," Certainly," said George,getting out;" anyaskedif he might speak to him.message from Mr. Routh?"" No, sir," said Jim," it's not; it's somethin'very partic'lar, asIas 'ad to say to you this longtime,lt ain't rightly about myself — and — "" Never mind, Jim; you can tellme all about"it in the house," said George cheerily-. Comealong." He opened the door yvith his key, andlet himself ancl Jim into the hall. But there Mr.Felton methim,his face grave ancl care-worn,and,as George saw in a minute, with some additionallines of trouble in it." I'm so gladyouhave come, George.I foundletters here whenIgot back."" Letters fromNew York ?""Yes."George left Jim standing on tlie mat, g3ingwith his uncle into the roomhe had just left.Mr. James S.vain, who was accustomed to pass

"INFORMATION RECEIVED." 221a good deal ofhis life in yvaiting about on steps,in passages, at horses' heads, and occasionally inkitchens, and to yvhom the comfortable hall ofthehouse inPiccadilly presented itselfas an agreeabletemporary abode, considered it advisable to sitdown and attend the leisure ofMr. Dallas.had been for someHeminutes engaged partly inthinking what he should say toMr.Dallas, partlyincounting the squares in the tiles which floored thehall,hearing all the while a subdued sound ofvoices from the adjoining room, yvhen a strangesort ofcry reached his ears. He started up,andlistened intently. Tlie cry was not repeated; butin a few moments Mr. Felton came into the hall,looking frightened, and called loudly- down thelower staircase for assistance.Two servants, amanand a woman, came quickly, and in the meantime Jim looked in at the open door.In anotherminute they wereall in the dining-room in a confusedgroup, gathered round an arm-chair,inwhich waslying the insensible death-like figure ofGeorge Dallas, his collar and necktie torn off, hiswaistcoat open, several letters on the table beforehim,and a card on the floor at his feet.

"INFORMATION RECEIVED." 221a good deal ofhis life in yvaiting about on steps,in passages, at horses' heads, and occasionally inkitchens, and to yvhom the comfortable hall ofthehouse inPiccadilly presented itselfas an agreeabletemporary abode, considered it advisable to sitdown and attend the leisure ofMr. Dallas.had been for someHeminutes engaged partly inthinking what he should say toMr.Dallas, partlyincounting the squares in the tiles which floored thehall,hearing all the while a subdued sound ofvoices from the adjoining room, yvhen a strangesort ofcry reached his ears. He started up,andlistened intently. Tlie cry was not repeated; butin a few moments Mr. Felton came into the hall,looking frightened, and called loudly- down thelower staircase for assistance.Two servants, amanand a woman, came quickly, and in the meantime Jim looked in at the open door.In anotherminute they wereall in the dining-room in a confusedgroup, gathered round an arm-chair,inwhich waslying the insensible death-like figure ofGeorge Dallas, his collar and necktie torn off, hiswaistcoat open, several letters on the table beforehim,and a card on the floor at his feet.

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