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214 . BLACK SHEEP.Enoughof the old habit os trick andexpedientstill adhered to George, in his improved moralcondition, to induce him to entertain a passingthought that perhaps the necessity for Mr. Carruthersknowing he had had any previous acquaintancewith Clare might never arise;if shedid not see that he must be told, George need notfeel himself bound to tell him. But he rejectedthe impulse after a very little yvhile, and wasashamed of it. When, therefore,Mr. Felton hadleft George alone at Sir Thomas Boldero's house,he had done so with intention, and without anypurpose of returning." Meet me at my rooms afterwards," he hadsaid to George. "And tell Miss CarruthersIwill take leave to call on her at Mrs. Stanhope'sthis afternoon." George agreed, premising thathe must look iu at the Mercury office first, butwould then be at his uncle's service.Left alone,he had applied himself, in a condition ofextrememental discomposure, to thinkingof what he shouldsay to Clare, and how he should say it. He hadalmost arranged a satisfactory- programme beforeshe came; after — well, after, he didnot speak, or

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