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212 BLACK SHEEr.article of dress lost at Homburg by Mrs. Bembridge,and which she would restore to Mrs.Bembridgeinperson,but not otherwise.As Harriet yvas returning home, she walkeddown Piccadilly, and sawMr. Felton and GeorgeDallas alighting from a cab at the door of thehouse in which their lodgings had been engaged." Very fair, too," said Mrs. Ireton P. Bernbridge,yyhen she received Harriet's message fromher maid, " and very natural she should expect areward.Ladies often take advantage of that kindof thing to give money to the poor. Ishan'tgrudge her anything she may ask in reason,Ishall be so gladto getback my golden egg."

CHAPTER X."INFORMATION RECEIVED."When George Dallas knew that his meeting yvithClare Carruthers yvas imminent, he told his uncleone of the two circumstances of his life which hehad hitherto concealed from him. As Georgeexpected, Mr. Felton received the communicationyvith some seriousness. A little yvhile ago,""George," he said, this might have upset thenew and good understanding happily establishedbetween Mr. Carruthers and yourself, but I" amin hopes it will not do so now.Ithink the oldgentleman's nature is fine and forgiving, yvhenone gets beneath the crust, andIam not afraidnow.The chance of seeing the young lady, notin his presence, for the first time — that wouldhave been awkward and dangerous indeed — ismost fortunate. You must make your peace withher in the first instance."

212 BLACK SHEEr.article of dress lost at Homburg by Mrs. Bembridge,and which she would restore to Mrs.Bembridgeinperson,but not otherwise.As Harriet yvas returning home, she walkeddown Piccadilly, and sawMr. Felton and GeorgeDallas alighting from a cab at the door of thehouse in which their lodgings had been engaged." Very fair, too," said Mrs. Ireton P. Bernbridge,yyhen she received Harriet's message fromher maid, " and very natural she should expect areward.Ladies often take advantage of that kindof thing to give money to the poor. Ishan'tgrudge her anything she may ask in reason,Ishall be so gladto getback my golden egg."

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