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Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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14 BLACK SHEEP.but constant, and as complete as the maintenanceof Harriet's influence yvith him made possible.For himself,he felt his own influence was gone,and he wasfar too yvisetoattempt tocatch at it,asit vanished,or toignore itsabsence. He acquiescedin the tacit estrangement;he yvas never in theway, but he neverlost sight of George;he alwaysknew what he was doing, and had early informationofhis movements,and yvith tolerable accuracy,considering that the spy wdiose services he employedwas quite an amateur ancl novice.This spy was Mr. James Swain, who took tothe duties of his new line of business yvith vigorouszeal, ancl who seemed to derive a arim kindofamusement from their discharge. Stewart Routhhad arrived with certainty at the conclusionthat the young man had adhered to the promisedsilence up to the time of his leaving England withhis uncle, ancl he felt assured that Mr. Feltonwasin entireignorance of the circumstances yvhichhad had such terrible results forMrs. Carruthers.It yvas really important to him to have GeorgeDallas watched, and, in setting Jim Swain towatch him, he was inspired by darkly sinister

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