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210 BLACK SHEEP.Idon't care, indeed. Idon't want to go withyou. Go alone, ancl make sure of your safety!Stewart, say you'll go — say you'll go!"While she was speaking, he was striving toloosen her hold upon him, but in vain.A shortbrief warfare was waged in that moment in hissoul.Ifhe softened to her now, if he yielded toher now, all wTas undone.And yet yvhat love was— this wdiat strange, and wondrous, ancl potentkind of love was this? Not the kind of lovewhich had looked at him, an hour or two ago, outof the rich black eyes of the American widoyv,that hacl trembled in the tones of her voice. Buta vision of the beauty he coveted, of the yvealth heneeded, of the freedom he panted for, rose beforeRouth's bewildered brain, ancl the strife ended.Evilhad its ownyvay unchecked henceforth to theend.He raised his right arm and struck her heavilyupon the face; the clasp of her hands gave way,and she sank upon the floor. Then he steppedoverher, as she lay prostrate in the doorways andleft the room. When she raised herself, shepushed back her hair, and looked round with a

"CRUEL AS THE GRAVE." 211dreary amazement upon her troubled face, ancl sheheard the key turned in his dressing-room door.Thc day had dawned when Harriet Routhwent gently up-stairs to her bedroom.She wasperfectly calm. She opened the window-shuttersancl let the light in before she lay doyy-n on herbed. Also, she unlocked a box, which she tookfrom her wardrobe, and looked carefully into it,then put it away satisfied." As she closed hereyes, she said, half aloud, Ican do no more;but she can save him,and she shall."At one o'clock on the following day-, HarrietRouth, attired, as usual, in simple but ladylikedress, and presenting an appearance on which themost impertinent of pages would not have daredto cast an imputation, presented herself at No. 4Hollington-square, Brompton. Mrs. Bembridgelived there,but Mrs. Bembridge was not at home,ancl would not be at home until late in the evening.Would the lady leave her name ? No;butshe desired Mrs. Bembridge might be informedthat a lady had called, and yvould call again atthe same hour on the morrow, who hacl found an

210 BLACK SHEEP.Idon't care, indeed. Idon't want to go withyou. Go alone, ancl make sure of your safety!Stewart, say you'll go — say you'll go!"While she was speaking, he was striving toloosen her hold upon him, but in vain.A shortbrief warfare was waged in that moment in hissoul.Ifhe softened to her now, if he yielded toher now, all wTas undone.And yet yvhat love was— this wdiat strange, and wondrous, ancl potentkind of love was this? Not the kind of lovewhich had looked at him, an hour or two ago, outof the rich black eyes of the American widoyv,that hacl trembled in the tones of her voice. Buta vision of the beauty he coveted, of the yvealth heneeded, of the freedom he panted for, rose beforeRouth's bewildered brain, ancl the strife ended.Evilhad its ownyvay unchecked henceforth to theend.He raised his right arm and struck her heavilyupon the face; the clasp of her hands gave way,and she sank upon the floor. <strong>The</strong>n he steppedoverher, as she lay prostrate in the doorways andleft the room. When she raised herself, shepushed back her hair, and looked round with a

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