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208 BLACK SHEEP." Now listen to me, Harriet," he went on, in"furious anger, but in a suppressed tone. If youare anythinglike the wise woman you used to be,you won't provoke a desperate man.Let mealone,Itell you — let me get out of this asIbestcan. The worst part ofit is wdiat you have broughtupon me.Idon't want George Dallas to come toany serious grief, ifIcan help it; but if hethreatens danger to me, he must clear the way,that's all.Idare say you are very sorry, ancl allthat.You rather took to Master George lately,believed in his prudence, and his mother, and allthat kind of thing; butIcan't help that. Ineverhad a turn for sentiment myself; but this youmay be sure of — only gross blundering can bringanything of the kind about — if any oneis to swingfor Deane, it shall be Dallas, andnot I."A strong shudder shook Harriet's frame as sheheard her husband's words.But she repressed it,and spoke:" You refuse to listen to me, then, Stewart.You yvill not keep your promise — your promiseyvhich, however vague,Ihavebuilt upon andlivedupon since we left Homburg?Youwill not ' think

"CRUEL AS THF, GRAVE." 209of ' whatIsaid to you there ?thousand times more important now?Not thoughitis aYou willnot leave this life, and come away to peace andsafety?"" No, no; a thousand times no!" said Routh,in the yvildest fury-." Iwill not — Iwill not! Alife ofpeace and safety; yes, anda fife of poverty,"and you he added, in atoneof bitterest scornancl hatred.A yvonderful look came into the woman's faceas she heard his cruel and dastardly yvords.Asthe pink had faded into the white upon her cheeks,so now the white deadened into gray — into anashen ghostlygray-,and her dry lips parted slowly,emitting aheavy sigh.He made a step or two towards the door, sheretreating before him. And when he had almostreached it, she fell suddenly- upon her knees,'andflung her arms round him yvith desperate energy." Stewart," she said, in a whisper indeed, yet" in a voice to be heard amid a yvhirlwind, myhusband, my love, my life, my darling, don'tmind me! Leave me here; it yvill be safer,better, less suspicious. Go away, and leave me.VOL. III.P

208 BLACK SHEEP." Now listen to me, Harriet," he went on, in"furious anger, but in a suppressed tone. If youare anythinglike the wise woman you used to be,you won't provoke a desperate man.Let mealone,Itell you — let me get out of this asIbestcan. <strong>The</strong> worst part ofit is wdiat you have broughtupon me.Idon't want George Dallas to come toany serious grief, ifIcan help it; but if hethreatens danger to me, he must clear the way,that's all.Idare say you are very sorry, ancl allthat.You rather took to Master George lately,believed in his prudence, and his mother, and allthat kind of thing; butIcan't help that. Ineverhad a turn for sentiment myself; but this youmay be sure of — only gross blundering can bringanything of the kind about — if any oneis to swingfor Deane, it shall be Dallas, andnot I."A strong shudder shook Harriet's frame as sheheard her husband's words.But she repressed it,and spoke:" You refuse to listen to me, then, Stewart.You yvill not keep your promise — your promiseyvhich, however vague,Ihavebuilt upon andlivedupon since we left Homburg?Youwill not ' think

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