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206 BLACK SHEEP."You are not drunk again, Stewart?Youare not mad ? If you are not, listen to me, forvour fate is rushing upon y-ou. The time may becounted by hours. Never mind my share in thisnew event, never mind what you reallythink, orwhat you pretend to think about it. Itmakes myappeal to you strong, irresistible. This is no fit ofwoman'sterror; this is no whim, no wish toinduce you to desert your harvest-field, to turnyour back upon the promise of the only kind oflife y-ou care to live.Here is a link in the evidenceagainst you, if suspicion lights upon you(and it must), which is of incontestable strength.Here, in Arthur Felton's writing, is the memorandaof the shares which you bought and paid forwith Arthur Felton'smoney. Stewart,Steyvart, arey-oublindand mad, indeed, that youstayhere, thatyou let the precious time escape you, that youdally with your fate ? Let us begone,Isay;letus escape while we may. George Dallas is notour only foe, not our only danger — formidable,indeed; but remember, Stewart, Mr. Feltoncomes to seek for his son; remember that wehave to dread the man's father!"

"CRUEL AS THE GRAVE." 207The pleading in her voice was agonising in itsintensity, the lustrous excitement inher blue eyeswas painful, the pallor of her face was frightful.She had clasped her hands round his arm, and thefingers held him like steel fetters.He tried toshake off her hold, but she did not seem aware ofthe movement."I tell you," she continued, "no dream wasever yvilder than your hope ofescape,if those twomen come to London and find y-ou here; no suchpossibility exists. Let us go; let us get out of thereach of their power.""By , I'll put myself out of Dallas'sreach by a very simple method, if you don't holdyrour cursed tongue," said Routh, yvith such ferocitythat Harriet let go her hold of him, ancl"shrank as if he had struck her. If you don'twant me to tell Mr. Felton what has become ofhis son, and put him on to George's trail myself,you'll drop this kind of thing at once. In fact,"he said, " yvith a savage sneer, Ihardly think abetter w-ay out of our infernal blunder could befound."" Stewart, Stewart !" She said no more.

206 BLACK SHEEP."You are not drunk again, Stewart?Youare not mad ? If you are not, listen to me, forvour fate is rushing upon y-ou. <strong>The</strong> time may becounted by hours. Never mind my share in thisnew event, never mind what you reallythink, orwhat you pretend to think about it. Itmakes myappeal to you strong, irresistible. This is no fit ofwoman'sterror; this is no whim, no wish toinduce you to desert your harvest-field, to turnyour back upon the promise of the only kind oflife y-ou care to live.Here is a link in the evidenceagainst you, if suspicion lights upon you(and it must), which is of incontestable strength.Here, in Arthur Felton's writing, is the memorandaof the shares which you bought and paid forwith Arthur Felton'smoney. Stewart,Steyvart, arey-oublindand mad, indeed, that youstayhere, thatyou let the precious time escape you, that youdally with your fate ? Let us begone,Isay;letus escape while we may. George Dallas is notour only foe, not our only danger — formidable,indeed; but remember, Stewart, Mr. Feltoncomes to seek for his son; remember that wehave to dread the man's father!"

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