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200 BLACK SHEEP.him deaf ancl blind; for this he had basely deceivedher, his best, his only friend; for this hehad come to regard and treat her as his enemy;and now Harriet had to make a desperate effortindeed to rally all her strength and courage.She had to put the suffering aside, to let all herhopes go, to face a new and almost desperate conditionof affairs, and to think how he was to besaved. It must be in spite of himself. This time,it must be in defiance of himself.She had passed through a long period of suffering— if timois to be measured by pain — beforeRouth came home.She had not nearly thoughtit out; she had only- reached a resolution to bepatient and peaceful, and to conceal her knowledgeof his treachery if any effort could give herthe strength to do so, yvhen she heard his key inthe lock, and the next moment his hand on thedoor-handle.There yvas confusion in the expression ofRouth's shifty black eyes, some embarrassmentin the tone of his voice. They yvere slight; butshe saw and understood them. Her heart gaveoone angry bound under the paper yvhich lay

"CRUEL AS THE GRAVE." 201securely in her bosom, but her steady face tookno change from the pulsation." SonyIcouldn't get back. Igot away as-ooii asIcould," said Routh, as he threw aside_____coat and put his hat down. Harriet pushed achair towards him, ancl he sat down before sheanswered:"Iam sorry, too, Stewart. I can hardlythink any business can have equalled in importancesuch an occurrence as this."She put George Dallas's letter into his hand,and eagerly watched him, yvhile with a face convulsedby anger, hatred, and all unholy passions,he read it.If shecould have seen his heart! If shecould have read the devilish project that filled it!If she could have seen that in the discovery of thenew and urgent danger he had seen, not blind tothat danger indeed, but catching at the chanceincluded in it, a means of realising his atrociousplot against her! If she could have distinguished,amid the surging, passionate thoughts and impulseswliich raged within him, this one, yvhicheach second made more clear:

200 BLACK SHEEP.him deaf ancl blind; for this he had basely deceivedher, his best, his only friend; for this hehad come to regard and treat her as his enemy;and now Harriet had to make a desperate effortindeed to rally all her strength and courage.She had to put the suffering aside, to let all herhopes go, to face a new and almost desperate conditionof affairs, and to think how he was to besaved. It must be in spite of himself. This time,it must be in defiance of himself.She had passed through a long period of suffering— if timois to be measured by pain — beforeRouth came home.She had not nearly thoughtit out; she had only- reached a resolution to bepatient and peaceful, and to conceal her knowledgeof his treachery if any effort could give herthe strength to do so, yvhen she heard his key inthe lock, and the next moment his hand on thedoor-handle.<strong>The</strong>re yvas confusion in the expression ofRouth's shifty black eyes, some embarrassmentin the tone of his voice. <strong>The</strong>y yvere slight; butshe saw and understood them. Her heart gaveoone angry bound under the paper yvhich lay

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