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198 BLACK SHEEP.named in the memorandum of yvhich George hadsent her a copy, yvere simply shares in companiesyvith everyone of which Stewart Routh yvas connected.Only George's ignorance of such mattershad prevented his recognising the meaning of thememorandum.Ancl now Harriet rose;ancl as shepaced theroom, the colour came back to her cheek, thelight came back to her eyes. A new life andfresh energy seemed to spring up within her, anclshe grasped George's letter in her hand, andstruck it against her bosom with an action of thehand and a responsive movement of the breastwhich was almost triumphant. This thing whichshe had clone, which had looked like ruin, wouldbe her wayof escape.Routh's refusal to return home immediatelyannoyed, puzzled, and disheartened her. Whyyvas he so hard to move, so difficult to convince,so insensible to clanger ?His plea was business;if this business yvas what she hoped ancl believedit to be, that ofpreparation, he should have comehome to learn the new and urgent need for itsexpedition. Why was he so hard to her ? Why

';CRUEL AS IHE GRAVE." 199had he no thought for her wishes, no compassionon her suspense? Harriet could not but ask herselfthat, though she strove against the deadlysufferingthe answer brought her.Thus the time wore on drearily, until Harrietcarelessly took from the table the shp of paperyvhich contained a yvhole revelation for her.Of the hours which succeeded she could nothave given an account herself. How the fury ofjealousy, of love betrayed, of faith violated, wasreawakened yvithin her, and inflamed to thewildest and most desperate pitch;how she writhedunder the shame and the scorn which her husband'sbaseness forced her to feel. She had hadprofoundest pity, readiest help for the criminal;but for this pitiful, cowardly, cruel liar nothingbut contempt — nothing! Ah, yes, somethingmore, and that made it all the harder — contemptand love.The yvoman was here, then — here, in London,on the spot to ruin him, lured hither by him.His false heart planned; his guilty hands dugthe pit into wliich he was to fall;and now hisfeet were close upon the brink. This rendered

';CRUEL AS IHE GRAVE." 199had he no thought for her wishes, no compassionon her suspense? Harriet could not but ask herselfthat, though she strove against the deadlysufferingthe answer brought her.Thus the time wore on drearily, until Harrietcarelessly took from the table the shp of paperyvhich contained a yvhole revelation for her.Of the hours which succeeded she could nothave given an account herself. How the fury ofjealousy, of love betrayed, of faith violated, wasreawakened yvithin her, and inflamed to thewildest and most desperate pitch;how she writhedunder the shame and the scorn which her husband'sbaseness forced her to feel. She had hadprofoundest pity, readiest help for the criminal;but for this pitiful, cowardly, cruel liar nothingbut contempt — nothing! Ah, yes, somethingmore, and that made it all the harder — contemptand love.<strong>The</strong> yvoman was here, then — here, in London,on the spot to ruin him, lured hither by him.His false heart planned; his guilty hands dugthe pit into wliich he was to fall;and now hisfeet were close upon the brink. This rendered

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