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194 BLACK SHEEP.suspicion that Airs. Ireton P. Bembridge was inLondon, but that was the sole point on yvhich hewas correct. Had he known how much his wifekneyv, he yvould have affected adejection of spiritshe was far from feeling, and yvould have disarmedher by greater attention to her during the fewhours of each day yvhich he passed at home.Harriet yvas at a loss to account for his cheerfulness;but strong of mind and heart as she was,she was not altogether free from the yveakness ofcatching at that interpretation of a mystery inwhich there was some relies for her ownpain. Soshe concluded that he had been only passingly,and not deeply,hurt by the coquetry of the w-omanwho hacl attracted him, and that he hacl recoveredfrom the superficial wound, as soon as he becameagain immersed in the schemes which had awaitedhim in London.Ho had toldher littleconcerning these schemes,but she considered this reticence due to her ownwithdrawal from her former active participationin the business of his life, andit was an additionalinducement to her to hope that Routh was taking"the resolution w-hich she desired. When we get

"CRUEL AS THE GRAVE." 195back to London,Iwill think about it," he haclsaid, and she clung to the hope, to the half promisein the words. He was surely settling affairsso as to enable him to avoid the bursting of thestorm. Tlie tacit estrangement between themwould account for his doing this silently; his viletemper, which Harriet thoroughly understood, andnever failed to recognise in action, would accountfor his denying her the relief of knowing his intentions.Many small things in his daily- life,which didnot escape the quickened perception ofhis wife,betokened a state of preparation for somedecided course of action. The time of explanationmust necessarily come; meanwhile, she watched,ancl waited, ancl suffered.How she suffered in every hour of her life!Yet there was a kind of dulness over Harriet too.She recurred little to the past inpoint of feeling;she thought overit, indeed, in aid of the action ofher reasonand her will, but she did not recall ityvith the keenness either of acute grief for itsvanished happiness, such as it had been, or ofremorse and terror for its deep and desperateguilt.The burden of the day was enough now

194 BLACK SHEEP.suspicion that Airs. Ireton P. Bembridge was inLondon, but that was the sole point on yvhich hewas correct. Had he known how much his wifekneyv, he yvould have affected adejection of spiritshe was far from feeling, and yvould have disarmedher by greater attention to her during the fewhours of each day yvhich he passed at home.Harriet yvas at a loss to account for his cheerfulness;but strong of mind and heart as she was,she was not altogether free from the yveakness ofcatching at that interpretation of a mystery inwhich there was some relies for her ownpain. Soshe concluded that he had been only passingly,and not deeply,hurt by the coquetry of the w-omanwho hacl attracted him, and that he hacl recoveredfrom the superficial wound, as soon as he becameagain immersed in the schemes which had awaitedhim in London.Ho had toldher littleconcerning these schemes,but she considered this reticence due to her ownwithdrawal from her former active participationin the business of his life, andit was an additionalinducement to her to hope that Routh was taking"the resolution w-hich she desired. When we get

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