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192 BLACK SHEEP.succeed; then the double agony of jealousy of himand fear for him in which she now lived mustsubside, the burning torment must be stilled. Thetime might perhaps come in yvhich she should sofar conquer self as to be thankful that such sufferinghacl brought about his safety, for there couldbe no real security for them inLondon, theterriblefact of Deane's identity with Arthur Felton onceknown.After that discovery, no arguments couldavail with George;the strength of all those yvhichshe had used would become potent against her,their yveight would be against her — that yyeightyvhich she had so skilfully adjusted in the balance.After all, she thought that night, as she sat in thedarkness and idly yvatched the lightning, hearingthe raging wind unmoved, what yvould a littlemore misery matter to her ? Little, indeed,if itbrought him safety; andit should,itmust!From this condition of mind she had beenroused by Routh's startlingannouncementof theirdeparture on the morrow. The effect producedupon Harriet was strange. She did not believethat Routh had been only to the gaming-roomsthat night:she felt an immutable conviction that

"CRUEL AS THE GRAVE." 193he hacl seen Mrs. Bembridge, and she instantlyconcludedthat he had received a rebuff from the—beautiful American. Inexpressibly relieved,though not blind enough to be in the least insensibleto the infamy of her husband's faithlessness,and quite aware that she had more, ratherthan less, to complain of than she had previouslybelieved; — for she rightly- judged, this womanistoo finished a coquette to throw up her game amoment before her own interest and safety absolutelyobliged her to do so — she acquiesced immediately.Had Stewart Routh hacl the least suspicion ofthe extent of his yvife's know-ledge of his life atHomburg,he could not have been lulled into thefalse security in yvhich he indulged on his returnto London. He perceived, indeed, that Harrietclosely noted the state of his spirits, and silentlyobserved his actions. But he was used to that.Harriet had no one to think of but him, had nothingto care about but him; and she had — alwayswatched him. Pleasantly, gaily, before; coldly,grimly, now;but it was all the same thing. Hewas quite right in believing she had not the leastVOL. III. 0

"CRUEL AS THE GRAVE." 193he hacl seen Mrs. Bembridge, and she instantlyconcludedthat he had received a rebuff from the—beautiful American. Inexpressibly relieved,though not blind enough to be in the least insensibleto the infamy of her husband's faithlessness,and quite aware that she had more, ratherthan less, to complain of than she had previouslybelieved; — for she rightly- judged, this womanistoo finished a coquette to throw up her game amoment before her own interest and safety absolutelyobliged her to do so — she acquiesced immediately.Had Stewart Routh hacl the least suspicion ofthe extent of his yvife's know-ledge of his life atHomburg,he could not have been lulled into thefalse security in yvhich he indulged on his returnto London. He perceived, indeed, that Harrietclosely noted the state of his spirits, and silentlyobserved his actions. But he was used to that.Harriet had no one to think of but him, had nothingto care about but him; and she had — alwayswatched him. Pleasantly, gaily, before; coldly,grimly, now;but it was all the same thing. Hewas quite right in believing she had not the leastVOL. III. 0

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