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188 BLACK SHEEP.yvicked, fidelity, to the man who was driftingaway from her; the yvoman's lost soul was toogenerous for that; but he yvas hers, her own; —purchased; — God, in yvhom she did not believe,and the devil, whom she did not fear, alone knewrat v,hat a price; — ancl he should not be takenfrom her by another, by one who hacl done nothingfor him, suffered nothing for him, lost nothingfor him. Her combativeness and her crafthad been called into instant action by the firstdiscovery of the unexpectedperilin whichher soletreasure yvas placed. She understood her positionperfectly. No woman could have known moredistinctly- than Harriet hoyv complete is the helplessnessof a wife when her husband's love isstraying from her, beckoned towards another —helplessness wliich everypoint of contrast betweenher and her rival increases. She was quite incapableof the futile strife, the vulgar railing, yvhichare the ordinary weaponsof ordinary yvomen in theunequal combat; she would have disdained theiremployment; but fate had furnished her yvithweaponsofother form and far different effectiveness,and these she yvould use. Routh had strong

"CRUEL AS THE GRAVE." 189common -sense, intense selfishness, and shrewdjudgment. An appeal to these, she thought,could not fail. Nevertheless, they had failed, andHarriet yy-as bewildered by their failure. Whenshe made her first appeal to Routh, she wasw-holly unprepared for his refusal. The dangerwas so tremendous, the unforeseen discovery- ofthe murdered man's identity had introduced intotheir position a complication so momentous, soinsurmountable, that shehad never dreamed for amoment of Routh's being insensible to its weight—oCTand emergency. But he rejected her appealrudely, brutally, almost, and her astonishmentwas hardly inferior to her anguish. He mustindeed be infatuated by this strange and beautifulyvoman (Harriet fully- admitted the American'sbeauty — there was an element of candourand judgment in her which made the littlenessof depreciating arival impossible) when he couldoy-erlook or under-estimate the importance, theclanger, of this newly arisen complication.This was a neyv phase in her husband's character;this yvas an aspect under which she hadnever seenhim, and she w-as bewildered by it, for

188 BLACK SHEEP.yvicked, fidelity, to the man who was driftingaway from her; the yvoman's lost soul was toogenerous for that; but he yvas hers, her own; —purchased; — God, in yvhom she did not believe,and the devil, whom she did not fear, alone knewrat v,hat a price; — ancl he should not be takenfrom her by another, by one who hacl done nothingfor him, suffered nothing for him, lost nothingfor him. Her combativeness and her crafthad been called into instant action by the firstdiscovery of the unexpectedperilin whichher soletreasure yvas placed. She understood her positionperfectly. No woman could have known moredistinctly- than Harriet hoyv complete is the helplessnessof a wife when her husband's love isstraying from her, beckoned towards another —helplessness wliich everypoint of contrast betweenher and her rival increases. She was quite incapableof the futile strife, the vulgar railing, yvhichare the ordinary weaponsof ordinary yvomen in theunequal combat; she would have disdained theiremployment; but fate had furnished her yvithweaponsofother form and far different effectiveness,and these she yvould use. Routh had strong

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