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Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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184 BLACK SHEEP.quiry the day before, and again asked if therewas any news " of Mr. Felton. "Yes," the servantreplied; a telegram hadbeen received fromPaiis. <strong>The</strong> rooms yvere to be ready on the follov\ingday. Mr. Felton and Mr. Dallas werecoming by the tidal train.""I've a mind to go back and tell her," said"Jim to himself. She must want to knoyv forsome particular reason, or she wouldn't have sentme to ask yesterday, and she wouldn't have letme catch her out in tellin' a crammer if therewarn't somethin' in it. But no," saidJim sagely,tlIwon't. I'll wait for Mr. Dallas; there arn'tlong to yvait now."Jim Swain's resolution had an important consequence,which came about in a very ordinaryand trifling way. If the boy had gone back toRouth's house, and hacl been admitted into thehall, he yvould have seen a piece of paper lyingon the door-mat, on which his quick eyes yvouldinstantly have recognised the caligraphic feat ofIlls accomplished friend, Teddy Smith; ancl hewould have regained possession of it. But Jimdid not return, and the paper lay there undis-

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