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180 BLACK SHEEP.try the beer in a closely adjacent beer-shop, andthe letter is laid upon a table in the passage leadingto Stewart Routh's rooms, to await his returnfrom the interesting investigation.Another letter for Mr. Routh, ancl this timealso "bearer waits." Waits, too, in the passage,and sees the letter lying on the table, and hasplenty of time to read the address before the experimentingcommissionaire returns, has it handedtohim, and trudges off yvith it.Presently the door at the end of the passage"opens, ancl Routh comes out. Who broughtme a letter just now?" he says to the clerk, andthen stops short,and turns to " bearer."" O, it's you, Jim, is it? Take this to Mrs.Routh."Then Stewart Routh went back to his room,ancl read again the note to wdiich he had just replied.It was from Hamet, and contained onlythese words:" Come home at the first possible moment.A letter from G. D., detained by accident fortwo day-s, has just come, and is of the utmostimportance. Letnothing detain you."

THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.181The joy and triumph in his face hacl givenway to fury;he muttered angry oaths as he torethe note up viciously." All the more reason if the yvorst has come—or is nearer than yve thought — thatIshouldstrike the decisive blow to-day-. She has all butmade up her mind — she must make it quite upto-day. This is Tuesday-;the Asia sails on Saturday.Aletter from Dallas only cannot bringaboutthe final crash:nothing can really-happen till heis here.IfIhave only ordinary luck, we shall beout of harm's yvayby then."A little later Stewart Routh made certainchanges in his dress, very carefully, and departedfrom Tokenhouse-yard in a hansom, looking asunlike a man with any cares, business, or otherkind upon his mind as any gentleman in all"London. Queen' s-gate, Kensington," he saidto the driver; and the last words of the letter,daintily sealed, and written on board-like paper,wliich was in his breast-pocket at that moment,were:"/will waitfor you in the carriage at Queen'sgate."

180 BLACK SHEEP.try the beer in a closely adjacent beer-shop, andthe letter is laid upon a table in the passage leadingto Stewart Routh's rooms, to await his returnfrom the interesting investigation.Another letter for Mr. Routh, ancl this timealso "bearer waits." Waits, too, in the passage,and sees the letter lying on the table, and hasplenty of time to read the address before the experimentingcommissionaire returns, has it handedtohim, and trudges off yvith it.Presently the door at the end of the passage"opens, ancl Routh comes out. Who broughtme a letter just now?" he says to the clerk, andthen stops short,and turns to " bearer."" O, it's you, Jim, is it? Take this to Mrs.Routh."<strong>The</strong>n Stewart Routh went back to his room,ancl read again the note to wdiich he had just replied.It was from Hamet, and contained onlythese words:" Come home at the first possible moment.A letter from G. D., detained by accident fortwo day-s, has just come, and is of the utmostimportance. Letnothing detain you."

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