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176 BLACK SHEEP.not in the least, though never had his recollectionbeen so detailed, so minute, so calm. No,he hated her.She wearied him; she had ceasedto be of any sendee to him; she was a constanttorment to him. So he came back to the ideawith which his reflections hacl commenced, ancl,as he entered on the perusal of the massof papersyvhich awaited his attention in his "chambers" inTokenhouse-yard — for he shared the businessabodeof theinvisible Flinders now — he repeated:" What a relief it would be to get away fromher for ever!"Only a feyv days now, ancl the end must come.He wasabrave manin his evil way,and he madehis calculations coolly, ancl scanned his criminalcombinations without any foolish excess of confidence,butwith well-grounded expectation. Fora little longer it yvould not be difficult to keepon fair terms with Harriet, especially as she hadrenewed her solitary mode of life, and he hadtaken the precaution of pretending to a reviveddevotion to play, since the auspicious occasion onwhich he had wonso largely at Homburg. Thushis absence from home was accounted for;and as

THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.177she had not the slightest suspicion that Mrs.IretonP.Bembridge was in London, hacl never display-edthe least jealousy, except on the one occasionwhen he had shown her the locket, and hadunhesitatingly accepted his explanation of theirsudden return to England, he hacl no reason totrouble himself about her. To sedulously avoidexciting her suspicion ancl jealousy now, and,when the proper time should arrive, to confirmthe one and arouse the other so effectually- bydesertion, infidelity, and insult, as to drive herat once to free herself from him by the aid ofthe law — this washis scheme.It looked well; heknew Harriet, he thought, thoroughly, and hemight safely calculate upon the course she wouldadopt. It was strange, if human inconsistencycan ever be strange, that Stewart Routh, a manof eminently vindictive disposition, entirely forgotto take into account that the woman thus desperatelyinjured might also seek her revenge, whichwould consist in declining to take her own freedomat the price of giving him his.Perhaps if the depths of that dark heart hadbeen sounded, the depths beyond its own con-VOL. III.N

THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.177she had not the slightest suspicion that Mrs.IretonP.Bembridge was in London, hacl never display-edthe least jealousy, except on the one occasionwhen he had shown her the locket, and hadunhesitatingly accepted his explanation of theirsudden return to England, he hacl no reason totrouble himself about her. To sedulously avoidexciting her suspicion ancl jealousy now, and,when the proper time should arrive, to confirmthe one and arouse the other so effectually- bydesertion, infidelity, and insult, as to drive herat once to free herself from him by the aid ofthe law — this washis scheme.It looked well; heknew Harriet, he thought, thoroughly, and hemight safely calculate upon the course she wouldadopt. It was strange, if human inconsistencycan ever be strange, that Stewart Routh, a manof eminently vindictive disposition, entirely forgotto take into account that the woman thus desperatelyinjured might also seek her revenge, whichwould consist in declining to take her own freedomat the price of giving him his.Perhaps if the depths of that dark heart hadbeen sounded, the depths beyond its own con-VOL. III.N

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