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174 BLACK SHEEP.the purlieus of the billiard-rooms whither DeaneandDallas and gone. Heremembered how lonelyancl blank, how quiet and dreary, the street hadbecome by the time the two came out of thehouse together and parted, in his hearing, withsome careless yvords. He had to remember howhe confronted Deane, and was greeted with ataunt; how he had borne it; how the man hadplayed with his suspense, and ostentatiously displayedthe money which the other had vainlywatchedancl waited for all day-; and then, suddenlyassuming an air of friendliness and confidence,hacl led him away Citywards, without betrayinghis place of residence, questioning himabout George Dallas. He hacl to remember howthis had embittered and intensified his anger, ancl© 7how a sudden fear hacl sprung up in his mindthat Deane had confided to Dallas the promiseshe had made to him, and the extent to whichtheir "business" relations hacl gone. A dexterousquestion or two had reliey-ed this apprehension,ancl then he hacl once more turned the conversationon the subject in which he was sovitally interested. He had to remember — and

THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.175how vividly he did remember, yvith what an awakeningof the savage fury it had called into life,how Deane had met this fresh attempt — yvithwhat a cool and tranquil assertion that he hadchanged his mind, had no further intention ofdoing any business in Routh's line — was goingout of town, indeed, on the morrow, to visit somerelations in the country, too long neglected, andhad no notion when they should meetagain.Andthen — then Stewart Routhhad to rememberhow he had killed the man yvho had taunted,deceived, treated him cruelly; hoyv he had killedhim, ancl robbed him, and gone home ancl toldhis wife — his comrade, his colleague, his dauntless,unscrupulousHarriet. He had to remembermore than all this,and he hated to remember it.But the obligation was upon him; he could notforget hoyv she had acted, after the first agonyhadpassed over, the first penalty inflicted by herphysical weakness, which she hacl spurned andstriven against. So surely as his memory wasforced to reproduce all that had gone before, ityvas condemned to revive all that had comeafter.But he did not soften towards her that day, no,

174 BLACK SHEEP.the purlieus of the billiard-rooms whither DeaneandDallas and gone. Heremembered how lonelyancl blank, how quiet and dreary, the street hadbecome by the time the two came out of thehouse together and parted, in his hearing, withsome careless yvords. He had to remember howhe confronted Deane, and was greeted with ataunt; how he had borne it; how the man hadplayed with his suspense, and ostentatiously displayedthe money which the other had vainlywatchedancl waited for all day-; and then, suddenlyassuming an air of friendliness and confidence,hacl led him away Citywards, without betrayinghis place of residence, questioning himabout George Dallas. He hacl to remember howthis had embittered and intensified his anger, ancl© 7how a sudden fear hacl sprung up in his mindthat Deane had confided to Dallas the promiseshe had made to him, and the extent to whichtheir "business" relations hacl gone. A dexterousquestion or two had reliey-ed this apprehension,ancl then he hacl once more turned the conversationon the subject in which he was sovitally interested. He had to remember — and

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