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Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.173pocket at that moment, hacl occurred to him witha strange fascination.How it hacl intensified hishatred of Deane; hoyv it had deepened his senseof his own degradation; how it had made himrebel against and curse his ownpoverty-, ancl filledhis heart with malediction on the rich man whoowned that money yvhich meant safety and successto him.He had to remember how Deanehad given no ansyver to his note, temperatelyyvorded ancl reasonable (Harriet had kept to theletter of the truth in what she had said of it toGeorge Dallas), but had left him to all the torturesof suspense. He had to remember hoyv thedesire to know- whether Deane really had had alldayin his possession the money he had promisedhim, and had kept him expecting, greyv imperative,implacable, irresistible; how he had hungabout the tavern,and discovered byDeane's boastingwords to his companion that he had guessedaright, had followed them, determined to have ananswer from Deane. He had to remember howhe strove with anger, with some remnants of hisformer pride, which tortured him yvith savageIon

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