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170 BLACK SHEEP.organisation and associations are not of the brutalkind, when temper, circumstances, or suddentemptation have impelled them to deeds of cruelty;he had hated Deane toomuch for that. Heneverthought of the crime he hacl committed withoutdwelling on the conduct yvhich had made him resolveupon it. How the manhad played yvith hisnecessities, hacl tricked him with compromisingconfidences, hacl duped him with false promises,hacl led him to the very- brink of the abyss, anclthere had struggled v\ith him — yvith him,a desperateman! Fool — fool!one must go over thebrink, then;ancl who should it be but the weaker?who should hold his ground but the stronger —but he yvho had everything to gain?He thoughtover all those things again to-day, methodically,arranging the circumstances as they had occurredin his mind.He recalled the hours of suspensethrough yvhich he had lived on that day whenDeane had promised tobring himasum of money,representinghis own interest in the mining company,yvhich sum was to secure to Routh the positionhe hacl striven hard to attain, and rescue himfrom the consequences of a fraudulent transfer of

THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.171shares which he had already effected. It hadcome to a question of hours, and the impatienceand suspensehad almost worn out Routh's strongnerves, almost deprived him of his self-command.How well he remembered it;how he lived throughall that time again! It had never been so vivid inhis remembrance, with all the vitality of hate andanger, often as he had thought of it, as it wasto-day.The heartless trifling, the petty insolence ofthe rich rascal, who little guessed the strengthand resolution,the daring and desperation, of thegreater, if worse, villain, came back as freshly toSteyvart Routh's vindictive memoiy as if he hadnot had his ghastly revenge ancl his miserabletriumph months ago, as if he had suffered andwinced under them but yesterday. And that yesterday!What a glorious day in his fife it hadbeen! Presently he yvould think about that, anclnothing but that; but noyv he must pursue histask of memory to the end.own master in this.For he yvas not hisOnce set to thinking of it,to living it all over again, he had no power toabridge the history.

THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.171shares which he had already effected. It hadcome to a question of hours, and the impatienceand suspensehad almost worn out Routh's strongnerves, almost deprived him of his self-command.How well he remembered it;how he lived throughall that time again! It had never been so vivid inhis remembrance, with all the vitality of hate andanger, often as he had thought of it, as it wasto-day.<strong>The</strong> heartless trifling, the petty insolence ofthe rich rascal, who little guessed the strengthand resolution,the daring and desperation, of thegreater, if worse, villain, came back as freshly toSteyvart Routh's vindictive memoiy as if he hadnot had his ghastly revenge ancl his miserabletriumph months ago, as if he had suffered andwinced under them but yesterday. And that yesterday!What a glorious day in his fife it hadbeen! Presently he yvould think about that, anclnothing but that; but noyv he must pursue histask of memory to the end.own master in this.For he yvas not hisOnce set to thinking of it,to living it all over again, he had no power toabridge the history.

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