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166 BLACK SHEEP.— liness it cannot haunt. The uncomplaining,active, hard-working, inventive,untiring comrade,the passionately lov-ing wife, the shrewd, unscrupulous,undaunted, steel-nerved colleague, wasnothing more to him now than a dangerouslysharp-witted, suspicious woman, yvho knew a greatdeal toomuch about him, ancl yvas desperatelyinhis yvay. The exhilaration of his spirits and thepartial intoxication of his new passion had cloneaway yvith the fear of Harriet which hacl takenpossession of him, but they had intensified his dislike,and one thought presented itself withpeculiardistinctness to Stewart Routh as he went Citywardsthat morning. It was:" Ifit yvas only to get out of her sight, to berid of her for ever, what areliefit yvould be!"He had been at some pains to keep up appearancewith his wife since theh- return to London.To the step yvhich he meditated a quarrelwith her was in no yvay necessary; ancl in theevent of his failing tobring his plans to maturitybefore theinevitable discovery-,it yvas allimportantthat they shouldbe agreed on the Ime of action tobe taken.Harriet could not,indeed, oppose him

THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.167successfully in his determination, if the occasionshould arise, to throw the charge of the murder/ ©upon George Dallas;but shemight render hispositionextremely-perilous if she did not second him.What reasonhad he to fear ?The estrangementbetween them had been growingyvider,it was true,but it had not been exclusively of his making; shehad held aloof from him as much as he from her,and he acknowledged that, if no infidelity hadexisted upon his part, it would still have takenplace. From the moment they ceased to be comradesin expedients, and became accomplices incrime, the consequences made themselvesfelt.Routh did not believe in blessings or in curses,but he did not dispute the inevitable result oftwo persons finding out the full extent of each—other's yvickedness that those two persons, ifobliged to five together,yvill find it rather uncom-© © 7fortable. The yvorst accomplice a man can hayreis his wife, he had often thought; yvomen ahvay-shave some scruple lurking somewhere aboutthem, a hankering after the ideal, for the possibilityof respecting a man in some degree.When he had been forced to see and to believe in

THE FALLING OF THE SWORD.167successfully in his determination, if the occasionshould arise, to throw the charge of the murder/ ©upon George Dallas;but shemight render hispositionextremely-perilous if she did not second him.What reasonhad he to fear ?<strong>The</strong> estrangementbetween them had been growingyvider,it was true,but it had not been exclusively of his making; shehad held aloof from him as much as he from her,and he acknowledged that, if no infidelity hadexisted upon his part, it would still have takenplace. From the moment they ceased to be comradesin expedients, and became accomplices incrime, the consequences made themselvesfelt.Routh did not believe in blessings or in curses,but he did not dispute the inevitable result oftwo persons finding out the full extent of each—other's yvickedness that those two persons, ifobliged to five together,yvill find it rather uncom-© © 7fortable. <strong>The</strong> yvorst accomplice a man can hayreis his wife, he had often thought; yvomen ahvay-shave some scruple lurking somewhere aboutthem, a hankering after the ideal, for the possibilityof respecting a man in some degree.When he had been forced to see and to believe in

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