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156 BLACK SHEEP.yvas goingto do. Fortune favoured him. As he© ©stood irresolute at one end of the narrow street,his aunt came out of the door.She yvas going,he knew-, to do her humble shopping, yvhich consisted,for the most part, in haggling with costermongersby- the side of their carts, and cheapeningpoor vegetables at the stalls. She yvould not hecoming back just yet. He waited until she hadturned the opposite corner, and then plunged intothe open doorway and up the darkstaircase.Arrived at the room which formed his sole habitation,Jim shut the door, and unceremoniouslypulled away his flock bed,rolledup neatly enoughin a corner, from the wall. This wall wascovered with a paper once gaudy, now drearywitli the utter dreariness of dirt charged on brightcolour, ancl had a wooden surbase about a foot indepth. Above the surbase there yvas a hole, notso large as to be easily remarked in aplace yvheredilapidation of every sort was the usual state ofthings, and into this holeJim insinuated his hand.There was suggestive dexterity in the wayhe didthis; the lithe fingers had suppleness ancl readiness,swiftness ancl accuracy of touch, yvhich, if

ANOTHER RECOGNITION.157there had been any one to care for the boy, thatone would doubtless have noticed with regret. Ifhe were not already a thief, Jim Swain possessedsome of the physical requisites for that profession.Presently he withdrew the lithe hand, and lookedsteadfastly at the object which it had extractedfrom the hole in the wall. He turnedit over anclover, he examined it within and yvithout, then heputit back again in the hiding-place, and replacedhis bed.Old Sally was much surprised, when she returnedfrom her " marketing," to find her nephewat home. The apparition of Jim in the daytime,except on stray occasions, when, fortune being unpropitious,he yvould come home to see what hisaunt could do for him in the way of dinner, wasexceedingly rare. But he explained it now bysaving he was tired, and had been well paid for ajob he had done that morning.He proposed thathe should get something choice that clay for dinner,and stay " in" until evening." There's a newplay at the 'Delphi to-night,"" said Jim, and there'll beplenty of jobsdown thatway, callin' cabs ancl helpin' visitors to the hup-

ANOTHER RECOGNITION.157there had been any one to care for the boy, thatone would doubtless have noticed with regret. Ifhe were not already a thief, Jim Swain possessedsome of the physical requisites for that profession.Presently he withdrew the lithe hand, and lookedsteadfastly at the object which it had extractedfrom the hole in the wall. He turnedit over anclover, he examined it within and yvithout, then heputit back again in the hiding-place, and replacedhis bed.Old Sally was much surprised, when she returnedfrom her " marketing," to find her nephewat home. <strong>The</strong> apparition of Jim in the daytime,except on stray occasions, when, fortune being unpropitious,he yvould come home to see what hisaunt could do for him in the way of dinner, wasexceedingly rare. But he explained it now bysaving he was tired, and had been well paid for ajob he had done that morning.He proposed thathe should get something choice that clay for dinner,and stay " in" until evening." <strong>The</strong>re's a newplay at the 'Delphi to-night,"" said Jim, and there'll beplenty of jobsdown thatway, callin' cabs ancl helpin' visitors to the hup-

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