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154 BLACK SHEEP.tents with a still more darkly frowning face. Jim,at the corner of the window furthest from him,watched him so closely that he suspended theprocess of polishing;but Routh did not notice thecessation. Presently he came upon the paperswhich he hacl looked for, and was putting theminto the breast-pocket of his coat, when he struckthe drawer with his elbow, and knocked it off thedesk. It fell on the floor, and its contents werescattered over the carpet. Among them yvas anobject which rolled -away into the window, andimmediately caught the attention of Jim Swain.Theboy looked at it, through the glass, with eyesin yvhich amazement and fear contended. Routhpicked up the contents of the drawer, allbut thisoneobject, and looked impatiently about in searchof it. Then Jim, desperately anxious to see thisthing nearer, took aresolution. He tapped at thewindow, ancl signed to Routh to open it and lethimin. Routh, surprised, did so."Here it is, sir," said Jim, not entering theroom, but sprawling over the yvindow-sill, anclgroping yvith his long hands along the border ofarug whichsheltered the object ofRouth's search

ANOTHER RECOGNITION.155from his observation — "here it is, sir.Isee itwhenit fell, andIknowed you couldn't seeit fromwhere you yvas."The boy looked greedily at the object in hishand, ancl rolled it about once or tyyice before hehandedit to Routh, who took it from him with acareless "Thank 'you." His preoccupied mannerwas still upon him. Then Jim shut down thewindow again from the outside, and resumed hispolishing. Routh replaced the dravvrer. Jimtried very- hard to see where he placed the objecthe had held for a moment in his hand, but hecould not succeed. Then Routh locked thebureau, and, opening a door of communicationwith the dining-room, Jim caught a momentarysight of Harriet sitting at the table, and yvent tohis breakfast.The seriousness of the previous night hadgrovvrn and deepened over the boy-. Abandoningthe pursuit of oddjobs precisely at the hour of theday when he usually found them most plentiful,Jim took his yvay homeyvards with headlong speed.Arrived yvithin sight of the yvretched houses, hepaused. He did not wish any one to see what he

ANOTHER RECOGNITION.155from his observation — "here it is, sir.Isee itwhenit fell, andIknowed you couldn't seeit fromwhere you yvas."<strong>The</strong> boy looked greedily at the object in hishand, ancl rolled it about once or tyyice before hehandedit to Routh, who took it from him with acareless "Thank 'you." His preoccupied mannerwas still upon him. <strong>The</strong>n Jim shut down thewindow again from the outside, and resumed hispolishing. Routh replaced the dravvrer. Jimtried very- hard to see where he placed the objecthe had held for a moment in his hand, but hecould not succeed. <strong>The</strong>n Routh locked thebureau, and, opening a door of communicationwith the dining-room, Jim caught a momentarysight of Harriet sitting at the table, and yvent tohis breakfast.<strong>The</strong> seriousness of the previous night hadgrovvrn and deepened over the boy-. Abandoningthe pursuit of oddjobs precisely at the hour of theday when he usually found them most plentiful,Jim took his yvay homeyvards with headlong speed.Arrived yvithin sight of the yvretched houses, hepaused. He did not wish any one to see what he

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