Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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ANOTHER RECOGNITION.153papers, some tied up in packets, others open; alarge sheet, on yvhich lines of figures were traced,lay on the blotting-pad. <strong>The</strong> dark expressionmost familiar to it was upon Stewart Routh's facethat morning, ancl the tightly compressed lipsnever unclosed for a moment as he pursued histask.Jim Swain, on the outside of the window,yvhich yvas defended by a narrow balcony anclrailing, could see him distinctly, ancl looked athim yvith much eagerness while he polished thepanes.It was a fixed belief with Jim that Routhwas always " up to" something, and the boyT yvasapt to discover confirmation in the simplest actionsof his patron. Had another observer of Routh'sdemeanour been present,he might, probably, haveshared Jim's impression; for the man's mannerwas intensely preoccupied. He read ancl yvrote,sorted papers, tied them up, ancl put them away,yvith unremittingindustry.Presently he stretched hishand up to a smalldrawer in the upper compartment of the bureau;but, instead of taking a paper or apacket from it,he took down the drawer itself, placed it on thedesk before him, ancl began to turn over its con-

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