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8 BLACK SHEEP.istics, to the utter deadness of the woman's conscience.His comforts wereas scrupulouslylookedafter as ever, and far more liberally proyided for;but the tasteful care for her home, the indescribablesomething which had invested their life withthe charm of a refinement contrasting strangelyyvith its real degradation,had vanished. Harriet'smanner was changed — changed to a quietude unnaturalto her, and peculiarlyunpleasant to Routh,yvhohad had a scientific appreciation of the charmof steady,business-like, calm judgment and decisionbrought to bear on business matters; butdiscarded, at a moment's notice,for sparklinglivelinessand a power of enjoyment which neverpassed the bounds of refinement in its demonstrativeness."Eat, drink, and be merry" hadbeen their rule oflife intime that seemed strangelyold to them both; ancl if the woman alone hadsometimes remarked that the precept had a corollary,she did not caremuch about it. " To-morroyvye die" yvas an assurancewhich carried littleterror to oneabsolutely without belief in afuturelife, and who, in this, hacl realised her sole desire,and lived every hour in the fulness of its realisa-

RECOGNITION. 9tion. Stewart Routh had ney-er had the capacity,either of heart or of intellect, to comprehend hiswife thoroughly;but he had loved her as muchas he was capable of loving any one,in his ownway, and the strength and duration of the feelinghad been much increased by their perfect comradeship.His best aid in business, his shrewd,wise counsellor in difficulty, his good comrade inpleasure, his sole confidant — it must be rememberedthat there yvas no craving for respect on theone side,no possibility of rendering it,no powerof missingit,on the other — and the most cherishedwife of the most respectable and worthy memberof society might have compared her position withthat of Harriet with considerable disadvantage onmany points.Tilings were, however, changed of late, andHarriet had begun to feel, with something of theawfully helpless, feeble foreboding with yvhich thevictims of conscious madness foresee the approachof the foe, that there w-as some power, yvhoseorigin she did not know, whose nature she couldnot discern, underminingher, and conqueringherunawares.Was it bodily illness ? She had ahvays

8 BLACK SHEEP.istics, to the utter deadness of the woman's conscience.His comforts wereas scrupulouslylookedafter as ever, and far more liberally proyided for;but the tasteful care for her home, the indescribablesomething which had invested their life withthe charm of a refinement contrasting strangelyyvith its real degradation,had vanished. Harriet'smanner was changed — changed to a quietude unnaturalto her, and peculiarlyunpleasant to Routh,yvhohad had a scientific appreciation of the charmof steady,business-like, calm judgment and decisionbrought to bear on business matters; butdiscarded, at a moment's notice,for sparklinglivelinessand a power of enjoyment which neverpassed the bounds of refinement in its demonstrativeness."Eat, drink, and be merry" hadbeen their rule oflife intime that seemed strangelyold to them both; ancl if the woman alone hadsometimes remarked that the precept had a corollary,she did not caremuch about it. " To-morroyvye die" yvas an assurancewhich carried littleterror to oneabsolutely without belief in afuturelife, and who, in this, hacl realised her sole desire,and lived every hour in the fulness of its realisa-

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