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146 BLACK SHEEr.monised yvith the thought in her own mind, anclshe replied to it:" You think, perhaps, they may not like to telly-ou," she said. "Perhaps they may not. Butyou may tell whoever answers you that Mr.Felton's sister yvishes to know — " Jimstill lookedat her, ancl Harriet felt that he did so, but thistime she " did not catch his eye. "Be quick," shesaid, ancl bring me the answer y-onder." Shepointed to the bench on yvhich she hacl beensitting, ancl which yvas beyond the reach of observationfrom the house she had indicated, andwalked away towards it as she ceased speaking." It cannot be helped," she said." <strong>The</strong> risk is atrifling one at yvorst, ancl must be run.Icouldnot put Harris in communication yvith any oneon a false pretext, anclIcan trust this boy so farnot to say he has asked this question for me.Icannot bear it any longer. Imust know howmuch time there is before me.Imust have somuch certainty; if not,Ishall go mad."She had reached the bench now, ancl sat downin the former attitude." Once beforeIasked myself," she muttered,

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