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ANOTHER RECOGNITION.145Park opening into Piccadilly, had passed throughit, and yvas just about to cross to the opposite side.She stood for a moment irresolute, then turned,came through the gate again, and rapidly approachedJim,beckoning him towards her as shecame.She stood still as the boy ran up to her, andpointed to one of the smaller but much decoratedhouses on the opposite side of the way."Jim," she said, "you see that house, wherethe wide windows are, allone pane,ancl the brightbalconies there, the house with the wide door, anclthe heavy carved railings ?"" Yes, mum,Isee," said Jim," Go to that house, ancl ask if anything hasbeen heard from Mr. Felton.Ask when he isexpected — he has taken lodgings there — whetherany other gentleman is expected to come yvithhim — and,Jim, be sure to ask in particular whetherany letters have been received for Mr.Felton,and sent on to him."Jim Syvain looked at Harriet.<strong>The</strong>re wassomething strange as well as intelligent in thelook, but she saw only the intelligence. It har-VOL. ui.L

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