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Access Online - The European Library


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140 BLACK SHEEP.grass, and towards the railings, her silk dressrustled over the outspread paper from which theboy was reading. She looked down, apologetically;the boy looked up angrily, and then Mr.James Swain jumped up, and made the movementwliich in his code of manners passed for abow to Harriet." Ali, is it you, Jim?" she said." Are younot busy to-day ?"" No, mum,Iain't," said Jim." Mr.Routhhadn't no messages this mornin',andIain't beenlucky since."" It's a nice clay for you to have a little time"to yourself," said Hamet. Ihope you got allthe commissionsIleft for you."" Idid, mum, and thank'ee," saidJim. Harriethadremembered the street-boy when she wasleaving home, and hacl charged her servants toemploy him. She hacl not the slightest suspicionof the extensive use yvhich Routh wasin the habitof making of his services." <strong>The</strong> windows is to be cleaned," said Jim,"suggestively. <strong>The</strong>re warn't time, mum; youcome home so unexpected."

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