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Access Online - The European Library

Access Online - The European Library


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138 BLACK SHEEP.street in which she lived, crossed Piccadilly, anclentered thePark. She was, as usual,very plainlydressed, and her manner had lost none of its ordinaryquietude. Nevertheless, a close observerwould have seen that she looked and breathedlike a person in need of free fresh air, of movement,of freedom; that though the scene, theplace in which she found herself, was indifferentto her, perhaps yvholly unobserved by her, theinfluence upon her physical condition yvas salutary.She did not cross the grass, but walkedslowly, and with her eyes turned earthwards,along the broad path near the railings. Occasionallyshe looked up, and lifted her head, asifto inhale as much as possible of the fresh air,then fell into her former attitude again, and continuedher yvalk.— Her face bore an expression ofintense thought the look of oneyvho had broughta subject out with her in her mmd, yvhich subjectshe was resolved to think out, to look at ineveiy aspect, to bring to a final decision. Shekept a straight, clear course in her yvalk, lookingneither to the right nor to the left, ponderingdeeply, as might have been seen by the

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