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132 BLACK SHEEP.think of me?Idare say he does not like theidea of me much. PerhapsIshould not likethe idea of him, if he were in my place anclIin his;but, as it is,Idecidedly do."Attended by her maid and Thomas, MissCarruthers went to London on the following clay.Mrs. Stanhope met her at the railway station,and took her home yvith her. The footman wasdespatched to Sir Thomas Boldero's house inChesham-place. In the course of the eveninghe Ment to Mrs. Stanhope's house, ancl asked tosee Clare. His errand was to inform her thatMr. Felton and Mr. Dallas had arrived in London,ancl were particularly desirous of seeingMiss Carruthers. He (Thomas) hacl Mr.Felton'sorders to ascertain fromMiss Carruthers whethershe would see them, on the following day, atChesham-place, and if so, at yvhat hour. He yvasto take her answer to Mr. Felton's lodgings inCT CTPiccadilly." When did the gentlemen arrive?" MissCarruthers asked.Thomas could not say exactly,but he thought

PAUL WARD. 133they had only just reached London,overcoats on,and looked " travellers-like."They hadClare sent word toMr. Felton that she yvouldbe at Chesham-place at noon on the next clay,and would be very happy to see him.She didnot mention Mr. Dallas, but it was by no meansnecessary she should do so.Punctually at twelve on the following day,Mrs. Stanhope's brougham deposited Clare Carruthersat Sir Thomas Boldero's house.It yvasin process of preparation for the expected guests;but had not quite thrown off the droyvsy unoccupiedlook of a house yvhose owners are absent.Its appearance bore the same relation to thestate it would assume by and bye as that of anindividual who has just persuaded himself to rise,and is yawning and shivering in the process,bears to that of the same individual in his tubbed,dressed, shaved, breakfasted, newspaper-read,hatted, gloved,and ready-for-the-day- condition.Clare got out of the carriage, gave the coachmansome directions, stood at the door until hehad driven off, and made a remark or two (everreminiscent of Poynings punctiliousness) relative

132 BLACK SHEEP.think of me?Idare say he does not like theidea of me much. PerhapsIshould not likethe idea of him, if he were in my place anclIin his;but, as it is,Idecidedly do."Attended by her maid and Thomas, MissCarruthers went to London on the following clay.Mrs. Stanhope met her at the railway station,and took her home yvith her. <strong>The</strong> footman wasdespatched to Sir Thomas Boldero's house inChesham-place. In the course of the eveninghe Ment to Mrs. Stanhope's house, ancl asked tosee Clare. His errand was to inform her thatMr. Felton and Mr. Dallas had arrived in London,ancl were particularly desirous of seeingMiss Carruthers. He (Thomas) hacl Mr.Felton'sorders to ascertain fromMiss Carruthers whethershe would see them, on the following day, atChesham-place, and if so, at yvhat hour. He yvasto take her answer to Mr. Felton's lodgings inCT CTPiccadilly." When did the gentlemen arrive?" MissCarruthers asked.Thomas could not say exactly,but he thought

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