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126 BLACK SHEEP.tions of maternal care and tenderness yvhich shehad formed — feelings she had hidden, intentionsshe had abandoned from motives of prudencefounded on her thorough comprehension of thebesetting weakness of her husband's character.Clare had not the word of the enigma, and itpuzzled her. But it delighted her also. Instinctivelyshe felt there was something ofMark Felton'sdoing in this. He hacl impressed her asfav-ourably as she hacl impressed him. She hadrecognised his possession of the tyvo great qualities,feeling ancl intelligence, and her own kindred endowmentshadanswered to them at once.Was she goingto be happy ancl useful ?Wasshe going to be something more than the richMiss Carruthers, the heiress of Poynings, whohad every luxury life could supply except thatof feeling herself of active individual importanceto any living creature? Was Poynings goingto be as pleasant as the Sycamores, and for amore worthy reason? Clare felt in her honestyoung heart that the superiority of the Sycamoresconsisted principally in the fact that theuncle who inhabited that abodewas never in

PAUL WARD. 127her yvay, whereas the uncle yvho ruled at Poyningsyvas generally otherwise, and unpleasant.It was very ungrateful of her to feel this;butshe did feel it. Was all this going to be altered ?Was she going to have the sort of feeling thatmight have been hers if she had not been theheiress of Poynings, but the real, own daughterof a kind lady who needed ancl yvould acceptall her girlish love and eager, if unskilful, care?It must be so, Clare thought, now Mrs. Carruthershad her son with her, and she no longerfelt that there yvas injustice done to her, forwhich Clare was made the reason or the pretext,shewould allow her to be all she hadalwaysdesired to be. How much uselessness, unreality,yveariness, fell away from Clare Carruthersas she rode on, the beautiful healthful colourrising higher in her cheeks as the glad thoughts,the vague, sweet, unselfish hopes of the future,expanded in her young heart! She yvould tellMrs. Carruthers some day when she was quiteyvell when there should be no longer any dangerof doino- her harm by the revelation, about themyrstery which had caused her so much suffer-

126 BLACK SHEEP.tions of maternal care and tenderness yvhich shehad formed — feelings she had hidden, intentionsshe had abandoned from motives of prudencefounded on her thorough comprehension of thebesetting weakness of her husband's character.Clare had not the word of the enigma, and itpuzzled her. But it delighted her also. Instinctivelyshe felt there was something ofMark Felton'sdoing in this. He hacl impressed her asfav-ourably as she hacl impressed him. She hadrecognised his possession of the tyvo great qualities,feeling ancl intelligence, and her own kindred endowmentshadanswered to them at once.Was she goingto be happy ancl useful ?Wasshe going to be something more than the richMiss Carruthers, the heiress of Poynings, whohad every luxury life could supply except thatof feeling herself of active individual importanceto any living creature? Was Poynings goingto be as pleasant as the Sycamores, and for amore worthy reason? Clare felt in her honestyoung heart that the superiority of the Sycamoresconsisted principally in the fact that theuncle who inhabited that abodewas never in

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