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PAUL WARD.125pect to her then than it hacl everbefore worn. Allthings seemed changed. Her uncle's letters toher had undergone a strange alteration. He yvrotenoyv to her as to one yvhom he trusted, to whomhe looked for aid, on whom he purposed to imposea responsible duty. <strong>The</strong> pompousness ofMr.Carruthers'snature was absolutely inseparable fromhis style of writing as from his manner of speech,but the matter of his letters atoned for their faultsof manner.He yvrote yvith such anxious affectionof his wife, he wrote with such kindly interest ofMr.Dallas, the hitherto proscribed step-son, yvhosename Clare hacl neyrer heard pronounced by hislips or in his presence. Above all,he seemed toexpect very much from Clare. Evidently her lifeyvas not to be empty of interest for the future, ifresponsibility could fill it; for Clare was to beintrusted with all the necessary arrangements forMrs. Carruthers's comfort, ancl Mrs. Carrutherswas very anxious to get back to England, to Poynings,and to Clare! <strong>The</strong> girl learned this withinexpressible gladness, but some surprise. Shewas wholly unaware of the feelings with wliichMrs. Carruthers had regarded her, and the inten-

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