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122 BLACK SHEEP.yvith infinitely more suffering implied in the inevitablereaction. But they can seldom havebrought greater relief. A generous, reckless impulseofyouth, partly against the terrible knowledgeof evil, partly against her oyvn suffering,yvhich wearied and oppressed her spirit, distant,vague, even chimerical, as she told herself it was,animated her resolution. She rose, and stretchedher arms out,andshook her golden head,as thoughshe discarded a baleful vision hy a strong act ofher will."I shall never see him again," she thought." Ishall never know his fate, unless, indeed, hebecomesfamous, and the voice of his renownreaches me.Ishall neverknow the truth of thisdreadful story-; but, strong as the evidence is,Inever willbeheve it more. Never, never!"Clare Carruthers was too young, too little accustomedto the sad science of self-examination,too candidlypersuadableby thenatural abhorrenceof youthfor grief, to ask herself how much of thisresolution came from the gradualinfluence of time— how much from the longing she felt to escapefrom the constant pressure of the first misery she

PAUL WARD.123had ever known. The impidse, the resolution,had come to her, yvith her first waking thoughts,one glorious morning in the early autumn — themorning which saw George Dallas and his unclearrive at Homburg, anclyvitnessedMr.Carruthers'sreceptionofhis step-son. This resolution she neverabandoned. That clay she had taken the booksout of their hiding-place, ancl had set herself toread the serial story yvhich she knew yvas writtenby him. Something of his mind, something of hisdisposition, yvould thus reveal itself to her. It wasstrange that he remembered to send her the booksso punctually, but thatmight mean nothing; theymight be sent by the publisher, by his order. Hemight have forgotten her existence by this time.Clare was sensible,and not vain, ancl she saw nothingmorethan a simple politeness in the circum-So she read the serial novel, and thoughtstance.over it; but it revealed nothing to her. Thereyvas one description, indeed, yvhich reminded her,vaguely,ofMrs.Carruthers,as shehad been beforeher illness, as Clare remembered her, when shehad first seen her,years ago. Clare liked the story.She was not enthusiastically delighted yvith it. A

122 BLACK SHEEP.yvith infinitely more suffering implied in the inevitablereaction. But they can seldom havebrought greater relief. A generous, reckless impulseofyouth, partly against the terrible knowledgeof evil, partly against her oyvn suffering,yvhich wearied and oppressed her spirit, distant,vague, even chimerical, as she told herself it was,animated her resolution. She rose, and stretchedher arms out,andshook her golden head,as thoughshe discarded a baleful vision hy a strong act ofher will."I shall never see him again," she thought." Ishall never know his fate, unless, indeed, hebecomesfamous, and the voice of his renownreaches me.Ishall neverknow the truth of thisdreadful story-; but, strong as the evidence is,Inever willbeheve it more. Never, never!"Clare Carruthers was too young, too little accustomedto the sad science of self-examination,too candidlypersuadableby thenatural abhorrenceof youthfor grief, to ask herself how much of thisresolution came from the gradualinfluence of time— how much from the longing she felt to escapefrom the constant pressure of the first misery she

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