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" yvhat would you think of my desiring Clare toMOVING ON.113bring Brookes up with her?Should you like tohave her with you when you arein town?"Mrs. Carruthers turned a face full of distressupon her husband in reply to his kind question.It was deeply flushed for a moment, then it grewdeadlypale; her eyes rolled towards George withan expression of doubt,of searching, of misty anguish,whicli filled him with alarm, and she putout her hands with a gesture of avoidance."O no, no," she said,"I cannot see her yet— Iam not able— Idon't know— there's something,there's something."It might have struckMr. Carruthers anclMark Felton too, had they not been too muchalarmed to think of anythingbut Mrs.Carruthers'semotion, that when they both approached hereagerly, George did not attempt to do so. Herose, indeed,but it was to push back his chair anclget out of their yvay. Mr. Carruthers asked hertenderly what was thematter, but shereplied onlyby laying her head upon his breast in a passion oftears.In the evening, when Dr.Merle had seenMrs.VOL. III.I

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