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108 BLACK SHEEP.presence, ancl the imperative necessity ofselfrestraintimposed by the consideration of herhealth ancl the danger of agitation toher, Georgewould have inevitably told his step-father thetruth. He felt all the accumulated meannessof an implied falsehood most deeplyancl bitterly,and might have been capable of forgetting eyrenhis mother, but for a timely warning conveyed tohim by the compressed lips ancl frowning broyvs ofhis uncle. As for his mother, neither he nor Mr.Felton could judge of the effect produced uponher by the yvords of her husband. She had turnedaway her head as he began to speak." I yvasjust going to tellLaura whatIthoughtof doing, if you and she approve," Mr. Feltonhastened to say. "You see,Iam getting moreaud moreanxious about Arthur, anclIdon't thinkhe yvill turn up here. Ithought if George anclIwere to go on to Paris and make some inquiriesthere — Iknow pretty well where he yvent tothere, ancl what he did. We need not make morethan a few clays' delay, and then go on to London,ancl join you and Laura there. What doyou say?"

MOVING ON.109"I think it would do nicely," said Mr. Carruthers.You and George would hardly like"ourrate of travelling under any circumstances."would have afforded any individual endowed withgood humour ancl a sense of the ludicrous greatamusement to observe the pleasure ancl importanceyvith which Mr. Carruthers implied theseriousness of his charge, ancl the immense significationof ajourneyundertakenbyMrs.Carruthers"of Poynings. We shall stay some timein town,"he continued, " for additional medical advice;and then,Ihope, we shall allgo doyvn toPoyningstogether."" Ihave secured rooms for George ancl myselfin Piccadilly," said Mark Felton,in a skilfully off-" Itwould never do for two jollyhand manner.young bachelors like him and me to invade SirThomas Boldero's house.ItEven" — and here Mr.Felton's countenance clouded over, ancl he continuedabsently — " even if Arthur did not joinus; butIhope he yvill— Ihope he will."Mr. Carruthers was singularly unfortunate inany attempt to combine politeness yvith insincerity.He had a distinct conviction that his wife's ne-

MOVING ON.109"I think it would do nicely," said Mr. Carruthers.You and George would hardly like"ourrate of travelling under any circumstances."would have afforded any individual endowed withgood humour ancl a sense of the ludicrous greatamusement to observe the pleasure ancl importanceyvith which Mr. Carruthers implied theseriousness of his charge, ancl the immense significationof ajourneyundertakenbyMrs.Carruthers"of Poynings. We shall stay some timein town,"he continued, " for additional medical advice;and then,Ihope, we shall allgo doyvn toPoyningstogether."" Ihave secured rooms for George ancl myselfin Piccadilly," said Mark Felton,in a skilfully off-" Itwould never do for two jollyhand manner.young bachelors like him and me to invade SirThomas Boldero's house.ItEven" — and here Mr.Felton's countenance clouded over, ancl he continuedabsently — " even if Arthur did not joinus; butIhope he yvill— Ihope he will."Mr. Carruthers was singularly unfortunate inany attempt to combine politeness yvith insincerity.He had a distinct conviction that his wife's ne-

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