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98 BLACK SHEEP.technical sense that, as regarded the little worldof Poynings, these hacl been considered sublunary.Its population concerned themselves infinitely lesswith the " pricipalities ancl poyvers" than yvith theaccuracy of the temperature of Mr. Carruthers'sshaving-yvater, and the punctuality yvith yvhichMr.Carruthers's breakfast, lunch,and dinner yvereserved. It hacl never occurred to his loving anddutiful wife that any alteration in 'this principleof life at Poynings could possibly- be effected, andthus the more superficial faults of the characterof a genuinely worthy man had been strengthenedby the irresponsibility of his position untilthey bade fair to overpoyver its genuine worth.But all this has changed noyv, changed in afashion against yvhich there yvas no appeal. Mr.Carruthers yvas no longer the first. His hours,his habits,his occupations, had to give yvay to theexigencies of a misfortune which struck him onthe most sensitive point, and yvhich invested himyvith a responsibility not to be trifled with orshared. It was characteristic of him that he becameexcessively proud of his care of his wife.The pomposity and inrportance yvith yvhich he

MOVING ON.99had been wont to " transact his public business"yvas now transferred to his superintendence of hispatient; and the surveillance ancl fussiness whichhad made life rather a burdensome possession tothe household and retainers of Poynings impressedthemselves upon the physicians and attendantspromoted to the honour of serving Mrs.Carruthers. As they were, in the nature ofthings, only temporary inflictions, and were,besides, accompanied by remarkably liberal remuneration,the sufferers supported them uncomplainingly.It yvas also characteristic of Mr. Carruthersthat,having made up his mind to receive GeorgeDallas yvell, he had received him very well, andspeedily became convinced that the young man'sreformation yvas genuine, and would be lasting.Also,he had not the least suspicion how largelyhe yvas influenced in thisdirection by MarkFelton's estimate of the young man — an estimatenot due to ignorance either, for George hadhidden nothingin his past career from his uncleexcept his acquaintance yvith Clare Carruthers,and the strange coincidence yvhich connected him

MOVING ON.99had been wont to " transact his public business"yvas now transferred to his superintendence of hispatient; and the surveillance ancl fussiness whichhad made life rather a burdensome possession tothe household and retainers of Poynings impressedthemselves upon the physicians and attendantspromoted to the honour of serving Mrs.Carruthers. As they were, in the nature ofthings, only temporary inflictions, and were,besides, accompanied by remarkably liberal remuneration,the sufferers supported them uncomplainingly.It yvas also characteristic of Mr. Carruthersthat,having made up his mind to receive GeorgeDallas yvell, he had received him very well, andspeedily became convinced that the young man'sreformation yvas genuine, and would be lasting.Also,he had not the least suspicion how largelyhe yvas influenced in thisdirection by MarkFelton's estimate of the young man — an estimatenot due to ignorance either, for George hadhidden nothingin his past career from his uncleexcept his acquaintance yvith Clare Carruthers,and the strange coincidence yvhich connected him

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