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94 BLACK SHEEP.and pointing to some writing on it — mere memoranda,apparently, of articles to be purchased (IencloseArthur's writing!'a correct copy) — exclaimed, ' That isIsaw at once that it yvashis writing,and determined to apply to you in thefirst place for information on the matter.It isnow clear that my cousin has passed underanother name than his oyvn, and that Routh andperhaps you have known him. There is a date,too, upon the paper — 10th of April of this year.You took the paper out of the loyy-er division ofyour desk. You may be able to tell us all that yvehave so long been anxious to know, at once. Prayanswer this without delay. Ithink it best not towrite to Routh, because my uncle and he aroalmost strangers, and also, clear Mrs. Routh, becauseitcomes naturally to me to address myselfto you. How strange that all this time you andRouth should have knoyyai Arthur,and Irving inintimacy/ with you both, should have been in amanner seeking him! You will, no doubt, beable to tell us everything without an hour's delay;but,in any case, we shall be in London in ayveek, and shall have Arthur's portrait to shove

THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR. 95you.Iam sure this letter is very ill expressed,butIam still beyvildered at the strangeness ofthe occurrence. Write at once. My room is" Ahvays yours affectionately," George Dallas" P.S. Tliejeweller of the Rue de la Paix is aNo. 80.jewel among his tribe. He undertakes to replacethe diamonds,ancl, as far asIcan — judge— to be sure, it's only alittle way yvith stones justas. fine as thoseIsold atA , for a third lessthan the money his Hebrew Dutch confrl-re gaveme.Ihad amind to tell him the value of theoriginal diamonds, butIdidn't — the honestestof jeyvellers is only human, ancl it might tempthim to raise the price ancl not the value. ButIthink he recognised amaster-mind iu my uncle."

THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR. 95you.Iam sure this letter is very ill expressed,butIam still beyvildered at the strangeness ofthe occurrence. Write at once. My room is" Ahvays yours affectionately," George Dallas" P.S. Tliejeweller of the Rue de la Paix is aNo. 80.jewel among his tribe. He undertakes to replacethe diamonds,ancl, as far asIcan — judge— to be sure, it's only alittle way yvith stones justas. fine as thoseIsold atA , for a third lessthan the money his Hebrew Dutch confrl-re gaveme.Ihad amind to tell him the value of theoriginal diamonds, butIdidn't — the honestestof jeyvellers is only human, ancl it might tempthim to raise the price ancl not the value. ButIthink he recognised amaster-mind iu my uncle."

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