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92 BLACK SHEEP.merous progeny of a rich and rusty Queen'scounsel.It yvas understood that Mrs. Ireton P. Bernbridgehad returned to Paris. Every season is"the right season for Paris with those Americans,"said a contemptuous Briton, yvho secretly heldhimself aggrieved hy the abrupt departure ofthe handsome widow, who had never appearedmore than conscious of his existence, certainlynot interested in the fact; " it draws them like aloadstone."" She has evidently heard nothing of Arthur,"said Mr. Felton to his nephew, "or she wouldhave sentus word."He spoke timidly, ancl glanced at George withanxious eyes. Georgelooked uiidisguisedly seriousand troubled."I yvish your letters had arrived, uncle," hereplied." Ibegin to fear we shall not see Arthurhere; ancl — and to be sorry that so much time hasbeen lost."A yveek later George Dallas yvrote to HarrietRouth from Paris as follows:

THE SEVERING OF THE HAIR. 93" Hotel duLouvre, Paris,October." My dear Mrs.Routh, — Iamhere yvith myuncle. My mother and Mr. Carruthers are travellingmore sloyvly. "W e are all to meet inLondon.Meantime a circumstance has occurredyvhich may- prove of great, and must be of someimportance to Mr. Felton and to myself. Iamcompelled to ask your assistance, whichIknowyou will give me with all your accustomed readinessand kindness." Accompanied by my uncle,Iyvent this morningto a jeyveller's shop in the Rue de la Paixto order the bracelet you know of to be re-madefor my mother.Ihad not previously undone thepacket containing the gold band and the turquoises,which yrou sealed up and kept in yourdesk for me, since the clay you gave it to me atHomburg. The things yvere wrappedupin letterpaper,you will remember. Iopened the packeton the counter of the jeweller's shop, shook theturquoises into a box he handed me for the purpose,and was holding up the gold band for himto examine, when my uncle, yvho was looking atthe paperIhad laid down, suddenly called to me,

92 BLACK SHEEP.merous progeny of a rich and rusty Queen'scounsel.It yvas understood that Mrs. Ireton P. Bernbridgehad returned to Paris. Every season is"the right season for Paris with those Americans,"said a contemptuous Briton, yvho secretly heldhimself aggrieved hy the abrupt departure ofthe handsome widow, who had never appearedmore than conscious of his existence, certainlynot interested in the fact; " it draws them like aloadstone."" She has evidently heard nothing of Arthur,"said Mr. Felton to his nephew, "or she wouldhave sentus word."He spoke timidly, ancl glanced at George withanxious eyes. Georgelooked uiidisguisedly seriousand troubled."I yvish your letters had arrived, uncle," hereplied." Ibegin to fear we shall not see Arthurhere; ancl — and to be sorry that so much time hasbeen lost."A yveek later George Dallas yvrote to HarrietRouth from Paris as follows:

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