Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237

Tomorrow People Network Draft Cover - Zen 134237


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5.JOHNThey must have been following me.CARAYou sure you lost them?John checks out his bloody knuckles. Then cocky...JOHNYeah. Pretty sure.CARAI hope this one was worth it.(re: file)That he is who you think he is.JOHNOnly way to know for sure is tobreak him out...CARASo, what’s his name?John opens the FILE. ANGLE ON name.INT. BEDROOM - DAYJOHNStephen Jameson.CUT TO STEPHEN JAMESON, 18, a year away from being outrighthandsome and a decade away from realizing it. A tormentedsoul enjoying a moment of peace. Stephen is asleep.CARA’S VOICE (O.S.)Stephen? Stephen Jameson?His eyes FLUTTER OPEN, THEN GO WIDE. REVEAL A SEXY WOMAN(30) in bed next to him. Sleeping. So, who’s talking?CARA’S VOICE (O.S.) (CONT’D)That’s your name, isn’t it?Stephen rolls over looking for the owner of the VOICE butinstead finds a BURLY GUY. Asleep. Arm draped over Stephen.Stephen JUMPS. That’s when SEXY WOMAN awakens and SCREAMS.INT. STEPHEN’S APARTMENT - DOORWAY - MOMENTS LATERBURLY GUY holds Stephen by the neck as he POUNDS ON THE DOOR.STEPHENPlease. Don’t. I can explain...

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